Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems and Networks

9 CFU - Master's degree in Computer Engineering
9 CFU - Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering
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Course syllabus

  • Probability theory and statistics (~30 h):
    • Fundamental definitions and theorems on probability. Uniform probability model. Discrete and continuous random variables. Notable RV distributions (exponential, uniform, Poissonian, normal, binomial, chi-square, student-t etc.). Central limit theorem.
    • Sample and population: estimators and confidence intervals. Data analysis and summarization. Model fitting, experiment design.
  • Simulation (~30 h):
    • Principles of discrete event simulation: events, event queues, random number generation, structure of a simulation software.
    • Description of the general-purpose OMNeT++ simulation framework. Hands-on experiments with the OMNeT++ framework.
    • Simulation workflow: system modeling, experiment planning, factor reduction, independent replications, transient and steady-state behavior, output data analysis, experiment automation.
  • Analytical System modeling (~30 h):
    • Queueing Theory: definition of stochastic process. Markov processes. Continuous-tmie Markov Chains.
    • Average measures: number of clients, waiting and queueing time. Little's theorem. PASTA theorem and the importance of the viewpoint.
    • Single-queue systems: M/M/1, M/M/c, M/M/1/k, discouraged arrivals, finite populations, batch arrivals and services.
    • Network of queues: open and closed networks. Jackson's networks. Gordon and Newell's networks. Buzen's algorithm.
  • Teaching material

    Slides and exercises will be made available in the course channel on the Microsoft Teams platform.
    The OMNeT++ Simulation manual can be found here.


    In order to do exercises during labs and the group simulation project, students are required to install the OMNeT++ software on their computer (works on Windows, Linux and MacOS).
    OMNeT++ can be downloaded from here. A detailed install guide is available here.