Research activity

  • Mobile network architectures (5G/6G)
  • Design of QoS and energy-efficiency oriented algorithms in mobile networks
  • Multi-access Edge Computing
  • Simulation and performance evaluation of computer networks


International Journals (peer reviewed)

  1. M. Basile, G. Nardini, P. Perazzo, G. Dini, "PROACTION: Profitable Transactions Selection Greedy Algorithm in Rational Proof-of-Work Mining", Blockchains, vol. 3(1), January 2025, doi: 10.1109/BRAINS55737.2022.9909327
  2. L. Vignati, G. Nardini, M. Centenaro, P. Casari, S. Lagén, B. Bojovic, S. Zambon, L. Turchet, "Is Music in the Air? Evaluating 4G and 5G Support for the Internet of Musical Things", IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 38081-38101, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3374641
  3. G. Nardini, G. Stea, "Enabling simulation services for digital twins of 5G/B5G mobile networks", Elsevier Computer Communications, vol. 213, pp. 33-48, January 2024. DOI:
  4. A. Pashazadeh, G. Nardini, G. Stea, "A Comprehensive Survey Exploring the Multifaceted Interplay between Mobile Edge Computing and Vehicular Networks", Future Internet, 2023, 15(12), 391. DOI:
  5. J.L. Corcuera Barcena, P. Ducange, F. Marcelloni, G. Nardini, A. Renda, F. Ruffini, A. Schiavo, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Enabling Federated Learning of Explainable AI Models within Beyond-5G/6G Networks", Elsevier Computer Communications, vol. 210, pp. 356-375, October 2023. DOI:
  6. D. Sabella, D. Micheli, G. Nardini, "The power of data: how traffic demand and data analytics are driving network evolution toward 6G systems", Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 12(4), 49, DOI: 10.3390/jsan12040049
  7. G. Nardini, A. Noferi, G. Stea, "Platooning-as-a-Service in a Multi-operator ETSI MEC Environment", IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 60040-60058, June 2023. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3286023
  8. D. Sabella, G. Nardini, P. Demestichas, S. Barmpounakis, D.T. Phan-Huy, M. Merluzzi, E. Garrido Gamazo, A. Ramos, G. Landi, M.E. Leinonen, A. Pärssinen, A. Wolfgang, "Innovation Management in 6G research: the case of Hexa-X project", IEEE Communications Magazine, doi: 10.1109/MCOM.018.2300040
  9. G. Nardini, A. Noferi, P. Ducange, G. Stea, "Exploiting Simu5G for Generating Datasets for Training and Testing AI Models for 5G/6G Network Applications", Elsevier SoftwareX, Volume 21, February 2023, 101320, DOI:
  10. A. Noferi, G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Rapid prototyping and performance evaluation of ETSI MEC-based applications", Elsevier Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 123, February 2023, 102700, DOI: 10.1016/j.simpat.2022.102700
  11. A. Renda, P. Ducange, F. Marcelloni, D. Sabella, M. C. Filippou, G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Micheli, D. Rapone, L. Gomes Baltar, "Federated Learning of eXplainable AI models in 6G systems: Towards secure and automated vehicles networking", Information, 13(8), August 2022, DOI: 10.3390/info13080395
  12. G. Nardini. G. Stea, A. Virdis, “A low-latency and reliable multihop D2D transmissions scheduling algorithm for guaranteed message dissemination”, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Volume 126, 1 March 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2021.102755
  13. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Scalable Real-time Emulation of 5G Networks with Simu5G", IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 148504-148520, 2021. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3123873.
  14. A. Virdis, G. Nardini, G. Stea, D. Sabella, "End-to-end performance evaluation of MEC deployments in 5G scenarios", Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 9(4), 57, 2020
  15. G. Nardini, D. Sabella, G. Stea, P. Thakkar, A. Virdis, "Simu5G – An OMNeT++ library for end-to-end performance evaluation of 5G networks", IEEE Access, vol.8, 2020. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3028550.
  16. F. De Vita, G. Nardini, A. Virdis, D. Bruneo, A. Puliafito, G. Stea, "Using Deep Reinforcement Learning for Application Relocation in Multi-access Edge Computing", IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 71-78, Sept 2019. doi: 10.1109/MCOMSTD.2019.1900011
  17. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, G. Stea, "Modeling network-controlled device-to-device communications in SimuLTE", MDPI Sensors, 18(10), 3551, 2018
  18. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, C. Campolo, A. Molinaro, G. Stea, "Cellular-V2X Communications for Platooning: Design and Evaluation" MDPI Sensors 18(5), 1527, 2018
  19. A. Virdis, C. Vallati, G. Nardini, G. Tanganelli, G. Stea, E. Mingozzi, "D2D Communications for Large-Scale Fog Platforms: Enabling Direct M2M Interactions", IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2018, DOI 10.1109/MVT.2017.2775560
  20. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, A. Frangioni, L. Galli, D. Sabella, G.M. Dell'Aera, "Practical feasibility, scalability and effectiveness of coordinated scheduling algorithms in cellular networks towards 5G", Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 106C (2018) pp. 1-16
  21. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "A scalable data-plane architecture for one-to-one device-to-device communications in LTE-Advanced", Elsevier Computer Networks 131, Feb. 2018, pp. 77-95, doi: 10.1016/j.comnet.2017.12.006
  22. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "A fast and reliable broadcast service for LTE-Advanced exploiting multihop device-to-device transmissions", Future Internet, 2017, 9(4), 89; doi: 10.3390/fi9040089 (November 2017)
  23. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, "Resource allocation for network-controlled device-to-device communications in LTE-Advanced", Springer Wireless Networks, April 2017, vol.23, n.3, pp.787-804 (accepted January 2016)
  24. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, "Practical large-scale coordinated scheduling in LTE-Advanced networks", Springer Wireless Networks, January 2016, vol.22, n.1, pp.11-31 (Accepted 27/3/2015), DOI: 10.1007/s11276-015-0948-6

International Conference Proceedings (peer reviewed)

  1. F. De Bari, G. Dini, G. Nardini, F. Papucci, M. Paroli, M. Scarsi, I. Toni, M. Elsayeh, "An innovative approach to Port Monitoring: Digital Twin, Strategic Decision Systems and Port Governance", Marlog 2024, Alexandria, Egypt, March 3-5, 2024
  2. J. L. Corcuera Barcena, M. Daole, P. Ducange, F. Marcelloni, G. Nardini, A. Renda, G. Stea, "Federated Learning of Explainable Artificial Intelligence Models: A Proof-of-Concept for Video-streaming Quality Forecasting in B5G/6G networks", xAI 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, July 26-28, 2023
  3. P. Ducange, F. Marcelloni, D. Micheli, G. Nardini, A. Renda, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Trustworthy AI for Next Generation Networks: the Fed-XAI innovative paradigm from the Hexa-X EU Flagship Project", Ital-IA 2023, Pisa, Italy, May 29-31, 2023
  4. M. Basile, G. Nardini, P. Perazzo, G. Dini, "A Rational Mining Strategy for Proof-of-Work Consensus Algorithms", IEEE International Conference on Blockchain Research and Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS 2022), Paris, FR, September 27-30, 2022
  5. M. Basile, G. Nardini, P. Perazzo, G. Dini, "SegWit Extension and Improvement of the BlockSim Bitcoin Simulator", IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain 2022), Espoo, FI, August 22-25, 2022
  6. J.L. Corcuera Bárcena, P. Ducange, F. Marcelloni, G. Nardini, A. Noferi, A. Renda, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Towards Trustworthy AI for QoE prediction in B5G/6G Networks", First International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Beyond 5G and 6G Wireless Networks (AI6G 2022), Padua, IT, 18-23 July 2022
  7. G. Nardini, G. Stea, "Using network simulators as digital twins of 5G/B5G mobile networks", TwinNets 2022, Belfast, UK, 14-17 June 2022
  8. M. Ericson, S. Wanstedt, M. Saimler, H. Flinck, G. Kunzmann, P. Vlacheas, P. Demestichas, D. Rapone, A. de la Oliva, C. Bernardos, R. Bassoli, F.H.P. Fitzek, G. Nardini, M. Filippou, M. Mueck, "Setting 6G Architecture in Motion - the Hexa-X Approach", Proceedings of EuCNC & 6G Summit 2022, Grenoble, FR, 7-10 June 2022
  9. A. Noferi, G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Deployment and configuration of MEC apps with Simu5G", Proceedings of the 8th OMNeT++ Community Summit 2021, online conference, 8-10 September 2021
  10. M. Basile, G. Nardini, G. Dini, P. Perazzo, "On Improving SimBlock Blockchain Simulator", 11th Workshop on Management of Cloud and Smart City Systems (MoCS 2021), IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2021) Workshops, Athens, GR, September 5, 2021
  11. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Sabella, P. Thakkar, "Using Simu5G as a Realtime Network Emulator to Test MEC Apps in an End-To-End 5G Testbed", IEEE PIMRC 2020, London, UK, 1-3 September 2020
  12. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Sabella, "Simu5G: a system-level simulator for 5G networks", Best Paper Award, SIMULTECH 2020, online conference, 8-10 July 2020
  13. A. Virdis, G. Nardini, G. Stea, Y. Shi, Z. Bian, "A co-simulation framework to evaluate edge deployment options and performance", CLEEN 2020, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshops, Dublin, IR, 7 June 2020
  14. A. Virdis, G. Nardini, G. Stea, "A Framework for MEC-enabled Platooning", 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshop (WCNCW), Marrakech, Morocco, 2019, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/WCNCW.2019.8902910
  15. D. Bruneo, F. De Vita, A. Puliafito, G. Nardini, A. Virdis, G. Stea, "A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Data Migration in Multi-access Edge Computing", ITU Kaleidoscope 2018, Santa Fe, AR, 26-28 November 2018
  16. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, G. Stea, A. Buono, "SimuLTE-MEC: extending SimuLTE for Multi-access Edge Computing", OMNeT++ Community Summit 2018, Pisa, IT, 5-7 September 2018
  17. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, N. Iardella, A. Frangioni, L. Galli, G. Stea, "Minimizing power consumption in virtualized cellular networks", CLEEN 2018, Porto, PG, June 3, 2018
  18. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, G. Stea, "Simulating Cellular Communications in Vehicular Networks: Making SimuLTE Interoperable with Veins", OMNeT++ Community Summit 2017, Bremen, DE, September 7-8, 2017
  19. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, A. Frangioni, L. Galli, D. Sabella, G.M. Dell'Aera, "Scalability and energy efficiency of Coordinated Scheduling in cellular networks towards 5G", CLEEN 2017, Turin, Italy, 21-22 June 2017
  20. N. Iardella, G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, A. Frangioni, L. Galli, D. Sabella, F. Mauro, G.M. Dell'Aera, M. Caretti, "A testbed for flexible and energy-efficient resource management with virtualized LTE-A nodes", CLEEN 2017, Turin, Italy, 21-22 June 2017
  21. N. Iardella, G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, L. Galli, A. Frangioni, D. Sabella, F. Mauro, G.M. Dell'Aera, M. Caretti, "Flexible dynamic Coordinated Scheduling in Virtual-RAN deployments", FlexNets 2017, Paris, FR, 20th May 2017
  22. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, G. Stea, "Simulating device-to-device communications in OMNeT++ with SimuLTE: scenarios and configurations", OMNeT++ Community Summit 2016, Brno, CZ, September 15-16, 2016
  23. A. Virdis, C. Vallati, G. Nardini, "Automating large-scale simulation and data analysis with OMNeT++: lessons learned and future perspectives", OMNeT++ Community Summit 2016, Brno, CZ, September 15-16, 2016
  24. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, "Broadcasting in LTE-Advanced networks using multihop D2D communications", IEEE PIMRC 2016, Valencia, September 5-7, 2016
  25. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, G. Stea, "Modeling X2 backhauling for LTE-Advanced and assessing its effect on CoMP Coordinated Scheduling", IWSLS2 2016, Vienna, July 1st, 2016
  26. A. Virdis, G. Nardini, G. Stea, "Modeling unicast device-to-device communications with SimuLTE", IWSLS2 2016, Vienna, July 1st, 2016
  27. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, "Fast and agile lossless mode switching for D2D communications in LTE-Advanced networks", IEEE VTC Spring 2016, Nanjing, PRC, 15-18 May 2016
  28. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Performance evaluation of TCP-based traffic over direct communications in LTE-Advanced", IEEE VTC Spring 2016, Nanjing, PRC, 15-18 May 2016
  29. A. Virdis, G. Stea, G. Nardini, "SimuLTE: A Modular System-level Simulator for LTE/LTE-A Networks based on OMNeT++", SIMULTECH 2014, Vienna, AT, August 28-30, 2014
  30. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, "Effective dynamic coordinated scheduling in LTE- Advanced networks", Proceedings of EuCNC 2014, Bologna, IT, June 23-26, 2014
  31. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, M. Caretti, D. Sabella, "Improving network performance via optimization-based centralized coordination of LTE-A cells", CLEEN 2014, Istanbul, TK, April 6, 2014

Book Chapters

  1. M. Ericson, B.M. Khorsandi, et al.,"Architecture Landscape", in: Ö. Bulakçı, X. Li, M. Gramaglia, A. Gavras, M. Uusitalo, P. Rugeland, M. Boldi (eds.), "Towards Sustainable and Trustworthy 6G: Challenges, Enablers, and Architectural Design", Now Publishers, Boston-Delft, June 2023
  2. G. Ansuini, A. Frangioni, L. Galli, G. Nardini, G. Stea, "Bi-dimensional Assignment in 5G Periodic Scheduling", in P. Cappanera, M. Lapucci, F. Schoen, M. Sciandrone, F. Tardella, F. Visintin (eds), "Optimization and Decision Science: Operations Research, Inclusion and Equity", ODS 2022. AIRO Springer Series, vol 9. Springer, Cham. DOI:
  3. A. Virdis, G. Nardini, G. Stea, "Cellular-networks simulation using SimuLTE", in: A. Virdis, M. Kirsche, (eds.) "Recent Advances in Network Simulation", Springer, Cham, pp. 183-214, May 2019
  4. R. Riebl, G. Nardini, A. Virdis, "Simulating LTE-enabled Vehicular Communications", in: A. Virdis, M. Kirsche, (eds.) "Recent Advances in Network Simulation", Springer, Cham, pp. 407-423, May 2019
  5. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Geofenced broadcasts via centralized scheduling of device-to-device communications in LTE-Advanced", Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), vol. 825, ISBN 978-3-319-91631-6, 2018
  6. A. Virdis, G. Stea, G. Nardini, "Simulating LTE/LTE-Advanced Networks with SimuLTE", in: Obaidat, M.S., Kacprzyk, J., Ören, T., Filipe, J., (eds.) "Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications", Springer, 2016

Other papers: national conferences, posters, etc.

  1. P. Imputato, T. Henderson, G. Nardini, M. Polese, "Advances in wireless networks simulation", Special Issue Editorial, Elsevier Computer Networks, September 2024
  2. P. Ducange, F. Marcelloni, D. Micheli, G. Nardini, A. Renda, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Trustworthy AI for Next Generation Networks: the Fed-XAI innovative paradigm from the Hexa-X EU Flagship Project", Ital-IA 2023 workshop, Pisa, 29-30 May 2023
  3. A. Mesodiakaki, et al., The 6G Architecture Landscape: European Perspective, White paper, European Commission, February 2023, doi:
  4. G. Avino, M. Malinverno, F. Malandrino, C. Casetti, C.F. Chiasserini, G. Nardini, S. Scarpina, "A Simulation-based Testbed for Vehicular Collision Detection", Poster, IEEE VNC 2017, Turin (Italy), November 2017
  5. N. Iardella, G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, F. Mauro, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, G.M. Dell'Aera, "Coordinated scheduling in a Virtual-RAN prototype with OpenAirInterface", Poster, EUCNC 2016, Athens, 27-30 June 2016


Granted patents

  1. M. Caretti, G. Nardini, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Method and System for data tunneling in device to device communications assisted by a telecommunication network", priority date 13/05/2016, granted as:
        US11425777 (B2) (2022-08-23)
  2. M. Caretti, G. Nardini, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Method and System for loss mitigation during device to device communication mode switching", priority date 2016-05-13, granted as:
        EP3456146 (B1) (2022-08-10)
        US10785679 (B2) (2020-09-22)
  3. M. Caretti, G. Nardini, A. Rossali, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Resource allocation system and method adapted to implement device-to-device communications in wireless communication networks", priority date 2015-05-08, granted as:
        KR102173747 (B1) (2020-11-04)
        CN106605442 (B) (2020-03-24)
        JP6466568 (B2) (2019-02-06)
        US10349421 (B2) (2019-09-07)
        EP3141063 (B1) (2019-09-11)
  4. M. Caretti, G. Nardini, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Method for scheduling radio resources", priority date 2013-05-09, granted as:
        CN105230059 (B) (2019-07-02)
        EP2995107 (B1) (2017-12-27)
        US9848436 (B2) (2017-12-19)
        0001417424 (2015-08-18), Italian patent

Submitted/published patent applications

  1. M. Filippou, G. Nardini, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Edge computing technologies for transport layer congestion control and point-of-presence optimization based on extended in-advance Quality of Service notifications", priority date 2020-09-25, published as: WO2021067140 (A1) (2021-04-08)
  2. M. Caretti, G. Nardini, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Messages Broadcasting Exploiting Device to Device Transmission", priority date 2017-01-16, published as: WO2018130508 (A1) (2018-07-19)

Research projects

  1. 2024-25: Iris Global, funded by the European Space Agency (ESA)
  2. 2024-25: C2ASPER, funded by a cascade call of the PESCO project by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan framework (RESTART program)
  3. 2024: Controllo dei Limiti CEM sfruttando l’architettura O-RAN, funded by TIM (Turin, Italy)
  4. 2021-23: Hexa-X - A flagship for B5G/6G vision and intelligent fabric of technology enablers connecting human, physical, and digital worlds. Funded by the EU under call H2020-ICT-2018-20.
  5. 2022: Definizione e valutazione di un algoritmo per il controllo dell’handover per utenti veicolari, funded by TIM (Turin, Italy)
  6. 2019-20: MEC performance evaluations and Developers engagement, funded by Intel GmbH (Munich, DE).
  7. 2018-21: QoS in Interconnect Systems, funded by Arm (Cambridge, UK).
  8. 2017-20: Nonlinear and Combinatorial Aspects of Complex Networks, funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) under the PRIN 2015 framework.
  9. 2015-17: Flex5Gware - Flexible and efficient hardware/software platforms for 5G network elements and devices, Funded by the EU under call H2020-ICT-2014-2.
  10. 2015: Study of algorithms and innovative solutions for QoS and energy efficiency management in evolved mobile systems (LTE/LTE-Advanced towards 5G), funded by Telecom Italia Lab (Turin, Italy)
  11. 2014: Study of algorithms and innovative solutions for QoS and energy efficiency in evolved mobile systems towards 5G, funded by Telecom Italia Lab (Turin, Italy)
  12. 2014-17: Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization: Approaches and Applications, funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) under the PRIN 2012 framework.
  13. 2013: Study of algorithms and innovative solutions for QoS and energy efficiency in evolved mobile systems (LTE/LTE-A), funded by Telecom Italia Lab (Turin, Italy)
  14. 2011-12: Study of packet scheduling and resource allocation algorithm for QoS and energy efficiency in evolved mobile systems, funded by Telecom Italia Lab (Turin, Italy)


  • Co-author of Simu5G: a system-level simulator for 5G New Radio networks, based on the OMNeT++ framework (official website)
  • Co-author of SimuLTE: a system-level simulator for LTE/LTE-Advanced networks, based on the OMNeT++ framework (official website)

Editorial roles

Technical/Organization Roles

Organization roles

TPC membership

  • IEEE WCNC 2025 - Milan, Italy, March 24-27, 2025
  • IEEE WNDM 2024 - Prague, Czech Republic, October 28, 2024
  • IEEE VNC 2023 - Istanbul, Turkey, April 26-28, 2023
  • EuCNC & 6G Summit
        2024 - Antwerp, Belgium, June 3-6, 2024
        2023 - Gothenburg, Sweden, June 6-9, 2023
        2022 - Grenoble, France, June 7-10, 2022
        2024 - Osaka, Japan, June 29, 2024
        2023 - Nashville, USA, June 26, 2023
        2022 - Espoo, Finland, June 20, 2022
        2024 - Dijon, France, July 10-12, 2024
        2023 - Rome, Italy, July 12-14, 2023
        2022 - Lisbon, Portugal, July 14-16, 2022
        2021 - Online conference, July 7-9, 2021
  • CLEEN 2022 - Virtual conference, September 12-15, 2022
  • Int'l Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Beyond 5G and 6G networks (colocated with IEEE WCCI 2022) - Padua, Italy, July 18-23, 2022
  • IFIP Networking 2022 - Catania, Italy, June 13-16, 2022
  • AdHoc-Now 2020 - Bari, Italy, October 19-21, 2020
  • OMNeT++ Community Summit 2019 - Hamburg, Germany, September 4-6, 2019
  • ICN
        2019 - Valencia, Spain, March 24-28, 2019
        2020 - Lisbon, Portugal, February 23-27, 2020
        2021 - Porto, Portugal, April 18-22, 2021
        2022 - Barcelona, Spain, April 24-28, 2022
  • IEEE VTC2018-Fall, Recent Results Track - Chicago, USA, August 27-30, 2018
        2018 - Athens, Greece, November 18-22, 2018
        2019 - Porto, Portugal, September 22-26, 2019
        2020 - Nice, France, July 26-30, 2020
        2021 - Barcelona, Spain, October 3-7, 2021
        2022 - Valencia, Spain, November 13-17, 2022
        2018 - Venice, Italy, June 24-28, 2018
        2019 - Rome, Italy, June 30-July 4, 2019
        2020 - Porto, Portugal, October 18-22, 2020
        2021 - Nice, France, July 18-22, 2021
        2022 - Venice, Italy, May 22-26, 2022
        2023 - Barcelona, Spain, March 13-17, 2023
  • COCORA 2018 - Athens, Greece, April 22-26, 2018