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Formal verification of computer systems by theorem proving
Dr. Holger Pfeifer 16 hours, 4 credits (final test) March 27 - March 30, 2007 Contacts: Prof. Cinzia Bernardeschi
Aims Introduction to Theorem Proving Theorem proving is a technique to verify properties of systems by deriving them as theorems from a system model by means of logical deduction. Given a sufficiently expressive logic, theorem proving can in principle be applied to any type of verification problem. An important application area of theorem proving is the analysis of critical aspects of fault-tolerant real-time systems. This series of lectures provides an introduction to the area of theorem proving by presenting basic logical formalisms and their respective proof methods. The selection of course topics is tailored towards what is needed to understand the principle aspects of PVS, a state-of-the-art automated theorem proving system. Upon completion, course participants will have a basic understanding of propositional, first-order, and higher-order logics and selected proof methods, and will be able to perform automated deductions of simple theorems in the PVS system. Syllabus