Foreseen project
- Interactive prototype of Medical Devices:
Demo Iniettore
[The benefits of using interactive device simulations as training material for clinicians.
SIGBED Review 16(2), Spec. Issue on Medical Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop, 2018]
Demo Integrated Clinical Environment
[A framework for FMI-based co-simulation of human–machine interfaces.
Software and Systems Modeling, DOI:10.1007/s10270-019-00754-9, 2019]
- Multipass Java Bytecode Verifier:
[A Space-Aware Bytecode Verifier for Java Cards, ENTCS vol. 141 (1), 2005  
ref.pdf ]
- Co-simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems use cases
Drones and Voronoi Tessellation multi-model
[Design and validation of cyber-physical systems through co-simulation,
IEEE access vol. 12, 2024  
ref.pdf ]
Line Follower Robot with attacks multi-model
[Formalization and co-simulation of attacks on cyber-physical systems,
J. Comput. Virol. Hacking Tech., vol 16, n 1, 2020  
ref.pdf ]