Research Interests

  • Edge Computing
  • QoS and energy-efficiency oriented scheduling algorithms for packet networks
  • Performance Evaluation of computer networks
  • Wireless Networks (LTE, LTE Advanced, 5G, Space Networks)
SimuLTE Project
An OMNeT++ based LTE/LTE-Advanced user-plane simulator and simulation model, compatible with the INET Framework.


Book Chapters

  1. R. Riebl, G. Nardini, A. Virdis "Simulating LTE-Enabled Vehicular Communications", in Recent Advances in Network Simulation, Springer, Cham, pp. 407-422, May 2019
  2. A. Virdis, G. Nardini, G. Stea "Cellular-Networks Simulation Using SimuLTE", in Recent Advances in Network Simulation, Springer, Cham, pp. 183-214, May 2019
  3. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Geofenced broadcasts via centralized scheduling of device-to-device communications in LTE-Advanced", Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), vol. 825, ISBN 978-3-319-91631-6, 2018
  4. A. Virdis, G. Stea, G. Nardini, "Simulating LTE/LTE-Advanced Networks with SimuLTE", DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-26470-7_5, in: M.S. Obaidat, J. Kacprzyk, T. Ören, J. Filipe, (eds.) "Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications", Volume 402 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp. 83-105, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-26469-1, 15 January 2016

International Journals (peer reviewed)

  1. L. Giorgi, C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi; " Service Continuity in Edge Computing Through Edge Proxies and HTTP Alternative Services "; IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society; 2024; DOI: 10.1109/OJCOMS.2024.3492695;
  2. L. Lemmi, C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi; "SRv6-based Edge Service Continuity in 5G Mobile Networks"; Future Internet; 2024; DOI:
  3. P. Serrano, A. Virdis, G. Francesco, M. Gramaglia; "Can I Add a VR Flow? On the Maximum Capacity of 5G to Support 360° Video"; IEEE Communication Magazine; 2024; DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.005.2300756
  4. N. Bicocchi, M. Fogli, C. Giannelli, M. Picone, A. Virdis; "Requirements and Design Architecture for Digital Twin End-to-End Trustworthiness"; IEEE Internet Computing; Jul.-Aug. 2024, pp. 31-39, vol. 28; 2024; DOI: 10.1109/MIC.2024.3376439
  5. F. Di Rienzo, A. Madonna, N. Carbonaro, A. Tognetti, A. Virdis, C. Vallati; "Short-Range Localization via Bluetooth Using Machine Learning Techniques for Industrial Production Monitoring"; Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks; 2023; 12(5):75;
  6. J.L. Corcuera Barcena, P. Ducange, F. Marcelloni, G. Nardini, A. Renda, F. Ruffini, A. Schiavo, G. Stea, A. Virdis, “Enabling Federated Learning of Explainable AI Models within Beyond-5G/6G Networks”, Computer Communications, to appear (2023)
  7. A. Noferi, G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Rapid prototyping and performance evaluation of ETSI MEC-based applications", Elsevier Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 2022, DOI:
  8. A. Renda, P. Ducange, F. Marcelloni, D. Sabella, M.C. Filippou, G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Micheli, D. Rapone, L.G. Baltar, "Federated Learning of Explainable AI Models in 6G Systems: Towards Secure and Automated Vehicle Networking", Information. 2022; 13(8):395. DOI:
  9. M. Pappalardo, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Energy-optimized Content Refreshing of Age-of-Information-aware Edge Caches in IoT Systems", MDPI Future Internet, 2022, to appear
  10. L. Conforti, C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Server-side QUIC connection migration to support microservice deployment at the edge", Pervasive and Mobile Computing, to appear, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.pmcj.2022.101580
  11. M. Pappalardo, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "An Edge-Based LWM2M Proxy for Device Management to Efficiently Support QoS-aware IoT Services", MDPI IoT, 3, 169-190, 2022, DOI: 10.3390/iot3010011
  12. M. Martelli, A. Virdis, A. Gotta, P. Cassarà, M. Di Summa, "An Outlook on the Future Marine Traffic Management System for Autonomous Ships", IEEE Access, to appear, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3130741
  13. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "A low-latency and reliable multihop D2D transmissions scheduling algorithm for guaranteed message dissemination", Ad Hoc Networks, 2021
  14. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Scalable Real-time Emulation of 5G Networks with Simu5G", IEEE Access, Vol. 9, pp. 148504-148520, 2021, DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3123873
  15. A. Virdis, G. Stea, G. Dini, "SAPIENT: enabling real-time monitoring and control in the Future Communication Infrastructure of Air Traffic Management", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(8), pp. 4864-4875, August 2021, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2020.2983614
  16. A. Virdis, G. Nardini, G. Stea, D. Sabella, "End-to-end performance evaluation of MEC deployments in 5G scenarios", MDPI Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 9(4), 57, 2020, DOI: 10.3390/jsan9040057
  17. G. Nardini, D. Sabella, G. Stea, P. Thakkar, A. Virdis "Simu5G – An OMNeT++ library for end-to-end performance evaluation of 5G networks", IEEE Access, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3028550
  18. F. Di Rienzo, A. Virdis, C. Vallati, N. Carbonaro, A. Tognetti, "Evaluation of NFC-Enabled devices for heterogeneous Wearable Biomedical Application", Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, accepted June 2020, to appear, 10.1109/JRFID.2020.3003986
  19. F. De Vita, G. Nardini, A. Virdis, D. Bruneo, A. Puliafito, G. Stea, "Using Deep Reinforcement Learning for Application Relocation in Multi-access Edge Computing", IEEE Communication Standards Magazine, Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp. 71-78, Sep. 2019, DOI: 10.1109/MCOMSTD.2019.1900011
  20. C. Vallati, A. Virdis, M. Gesi, N. Carbonaro, A. Tognetti, "ePhysio: a wearables-enabled platform for the remote management of musculoskeletal diseases", Sensors 2019, Volume 19, Issue 1, 2, DOI: 10.3390/s19010002.
  21. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, G. Stea, "Modeling network-controlled device-to-device communications in SimuLTE", MDPI Sensors, 18(10), 3551, DOI: 10.3390/s18103551, 2018
  22. D. Sabella, P. Serrano, G. Stea, A. Virdis, I. Tinnirello, F. Giuliano, D. Garlisi, P. Vlacheas, P. Demestichas, V. Foteinos, N. Bartzoudis, M. Payaró, "Designing the 5G Network Infrastructure: a Flexible and Reconfigurable Architecture Based on Context and Content Information", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2018:199, DOI: 10.1186/s13638-018-1215-1 (2018)
  23. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, C. Campolo, A. Molinaro, G. Stea, "Cellular-V2X Communications for Platooning: Design and Evaluation" MDPI Sensors, 18(5), 1527; DOI: 10.3390/s18051527, 2018
  24. A. Virdis, C. Vallati, G. Nardini, G. Tanganelli, G. Stea, E. Mingozzi, "D2D Communications for Large-Scale Fog Platforms: Enabling Direct M2M Interactions", IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/MVT.2017.2775560
  25. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, A. Frangioni, L. Galli, D. Sabella, G.M. Dell'Aera, "Practical feasibility, scalability and effectiveness of coordinated scheduling algorithms in cellular networks towards 5G", Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 106C pp. 1-16, doi 10.1016/j.jnca.2018.01.007, 2018 [class B]
  26. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "A scalable data-plane architecture for one-to-one device-to-device communications in LTE-Advanced", Elsevier Computer Networks 131, Feb. 2018, pp. 77-95, doi: 10.1016/j.comnet.2017.12.006
  27. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "A fast and reliable broadcast service for LTE-Advanced exploiting multihop device-to-device transmissions", Future Internet, 2017, 9(4), 89, doi: 10.3390/fi9040089
  28. A. Virdis, G. Stea, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, "A distributed power-saving framework for LTE HetNets exploiting Almost Blank Subframes", IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Vol. 1, issue 3, September 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TGCN.2017.2714205
  29. A. Virdis, G. Stea, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, "A practical framework for energy-efficient node activation in heterogeneous LTE networks", Mobile Information Systems, Article ID 2495934, 17 pages, 2017 doi:10.1155/2017/2495934
  30. C. Vallati, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, G. Stea, "MEC come home! Connecting things in future smart homes using LTE D2D communications", IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, October 2016, pp.77-83, DOI: 10.1109/MCE.2016.2590100
  31. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, "Resource allocation for network-controlled device-to-device communications in LTE-Advanced", Springer Wireless Networks, 23(3), pp. 787-804, DOI: 10.1007/s11276-016-1193-3, March 2017
  32. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, "Practical large-scale coordinated scheduling in LTE-Advanced networks", Springer Wireless Networks, Volume 22, Issue 1, pp. 11-31, January 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s11276-015-0948-6
  33. G. Stea, A. Virdis, "A comprehensive simulation analysis of LTE Discontinuous Reception (DRX)", Elsevier Computer Networks, 73 (2014), pp.22-40, DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2014.07.014

International Conference Proceedings (peer reviewed)

  1. A. Botta, R. Canonico, A. Navarro, G. Stanco, G. Ventre, A. Buonocunto, A. Fresa, E. Gentile, L. Scommegna, E. Vicario, E. Mingozzi, A. Virdis, M. Cucurachi, "ADAPTO: Scaling and Offloading Cloud-Native Network Functions in Future Mobile Networks", 39-th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Application (AINA) 2025, April 9-11, 2025, Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.
  2. A. Barbone, S. Burattini, M. Martinelli, M. Picone, A. Ricci, A. Virdis, "Digital Twin Continuum: a Key Enabler for Pervasive Cyber-Physical Environments", IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2024) July 29 - 31, 2024, Big Island, Hawaii, USA.
  3. L. Poggiani, C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Live Migration of Multi-Container Kubernetes Pods in Multi-Cluster Serverless Edge Systems", Workshop on Serverless at the Edge (SEATED), 3-7 June, Pisa, Italy, 2024.
  4. L. Lemmi, C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Ensuring Lossless Workload Migration at the Edge with SRv6", IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN), 7-9 November, Dresden, Germany, 2023.
  5. M. Picone, S. Mariani, A. Virdis, P. Castagnetti, "Digital Twin & Blockchain: Technology Enablers for Metaverse Computing", IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (IEEE MetaCom 2023), June 26-28, Kyoto, Japan, 2023.
  6. J. Perez-Valero, A. Virdis, A. G. Sanchez, C.Ntogkas, P.Serrano, G. Landi, S. Kuklinski, Cedric Morin, I. L. Pavon, B. Sayadi, "AI-driven Orchestration for 6G Networking: the Hexa-X vision", 2nd Workshop on architectural evolution toward 6G networks (6GArch), 4-8 December, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022.
  7. F. Barbarulo, C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Enabling Application Relocation in ETSI MEC: A Container-Migration Approach", International Workshop on Cloud Technologies and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Communication Networks (CLEEN) 2022, Virtual Conference, 12–15 September 2022.
  8. M. A. Habibi, A. S. Gallego, I. P. Labrador, B. Han, G. Landi, B. Sayadi, C. Ntogkas, I-P. Belikaidis, H. D. Schotten, P. Serrano, J. Perez-Valero, A. Virdis, "Enabling Network and Service Programmability in 6G Mobile Communication Systems", 2022 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), 12-14 October 2022, Montreal, Canada
  9. C. Puliafito, L. Gigli, I. Zyrianoff, F. Montori, A. Virdis, S. Di Pascoli, E. Mingozzi, M. Di Felice, "Joint Power Control and Structural Health Monitoring in Industry 4.0 Scenarios using Eclipse Arrowhead and Web of Things", IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), May 24–26, 2022, Coventry, UK.
  10. J. L. Corcuera Bárcena, P. Ducange, F. Marcelloni, G. Nardini, A. Noferi, A. Renda,G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Towards Trustworthy AI for QoE prediction in B5G/6G Networks", First International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Beyond 5G and 6G Wireless Networks (AI6G 2022), Jul 18, 2022, Padua, Italy.
  11. F. Barbarulo, C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Extending ETSI MEC Towards Stateful Application Relocation Based on Container Migration", 2022 IEEE 23nd International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), June 14-17, 2022, Belfast, UK.
  12. C. Bonsignori, C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, G. Iannaccone, E. Mingozzi, "Integrating Mobile IoT Devices into the Arrowhead Framework Using Web of Things", 1st International Workshop on IoT Interoperability and the Web of Things (IIWOT'22), 8-11 January, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/CCNC49033.2022.9700685.
  13. M. Pappalardo, E. Mingozzi, A. Virdis, "A Model-Driven Approach to AoI-Based Cache Management in IoT", IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 25-27 October 2021, Virtual Conference
  14. A. Noferi, G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, " Deployment and configuration of MEC apps with Simu5G ", OMNeT++ Community Summit, Online, September, 2021
  15. L. Conforti, C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Extending the QUIC Protocol to Support Live Container Migration at the Edge ", 2021 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), June 7-11, 2021, Pisa, Italy. CISCO Best Paper Award
  16. N. Carbonaro, L. Arcarisi, F. Di Rienzo, A. Virdis, C. Vallati and A. Tognetti, "A preliminary study on a new lightweight and flexible sensing sock for gait analysis," 2020 IEEE Sensors, Rotterdam, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/SENSORS47125.2020.9278682.
  17. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Sabella, P. Thakkar, "Using Simu5G as a Realtime Network Emulator to Test MEC Apps in an End-To-End 5G Testbed", PiMRC 2020, London, UK, 1-3 September 2020
  18. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, G. Stea, D. Sabella, "Simu5G: a system-level simulator for 5G networks", SIMULTECH 2020, Online Streaming, 8-10 July, 2020
  19. C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "The Impact of Container Migration on Fog Services As Perceived by Mobile Things", IEEE International Conference On Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP 2020), Bologna, Italy, 14-17 September 2020
  20. A. Virdis, G. Nardini, G. Stea, Y. Shi, Z. Bian, "A co-simulation framework to evaluate edge deployment options and performance", International Workshop on Cloud Technologies and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Communication Networks (CLEEN) 2020, Dublin, Ireland, June 7, 2020
  21. A. Virdis, C. Vallati, F. Di Rienzo, N. Carbonaro, A. Tognetti, "Evaluation of off-the-shelf NFC Devices for Biomedical Applications", IEEE RFID-TA 2019, Pisa, Italy, 25-27 September 2019
  22. G. Tanganelli, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Implementation of Software-Defined 6LoWPANs in Contiki OS", IEEE Workshop on Communication, Computing, and Networking in Cyber Physical Systems, June 10, Washington, DC, US.
  23. G. Tanganelli, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Enabling Multi-hop Forwarding in 6LoWPANs through Software-Defined Networking", 20th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM 2019), June 10-12, 2019 - Washington DC, US.
  24. A. Virdis, G. Nardini, G. Stea, "A Framework for MEC-enabled Platooning", International Workshop on Cloud Technologies and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Communication Networks (CLEEN) 2019, Marrakech, Morocco, 15 April 2019
  25. D. Bruneo, F. De Vita, A. Puliafito, G. Nardini, A. Virdis, G. Stea, "A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Data Migration in Multi-access Edge Computing", 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope: Machine Learning for a 5G Future (ITU K), Santa Fe, Argentina, 2018, pp. 1-8. DOI: 10.23919/ITU-WT.2018.8597889
  26. C. Caiazza, A. Virdis, G. Stea, "Simulating LISP-Based Multilink Communications in Aeronautical Networks", OMNeT++ summit 2018, Pisa, Italy, September 2018
  27. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, G. Stea, A. Buono, "SimuLTE-MEC: extending SimuLTE for Multi-access Edge Computing", OMNeT++ summit 2018, Pisa, Italy, September 2018
  28. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, N. Iardella, A. Frangioni, L. Galli, G. Stea, "Minimizing power consumption in virtualized cellular networks", International Workshop on Cloud Technologies and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Communication Networks (CLEEN) 2018, Porto (PT), June 3 2018
  29. A. Virdis, G. Stea, S. La Barbera, R. Winkler, "SAPIENT-Simulator Modelling and Architecture", In Proceedings of the 23rd Ka and Broadband Communications Conference, Trieste, Italy, October 4-6 2017, ISBN:ISSN-2573-6124
  30. S. La Barbera, R. Winkler, D. Finocchi, J. Capolicchio, G. Stea, A. Virdis, G. Dini, "SESAR Exploratory Research SAPIENT Project Overview", In Proceedings of the 23rd Ka and Broadband Communications Conference, Trieste, Italy, October 4-6 2017, ISBN:ISSN-2573-6124
  31. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, G. Stea, "Simulating Cellular Communications in Vehicular Networks: Making SimuLTE Interoperable with Veins", Proc. of the 4th OMNeT++ Community Summit, University of Bremen - Germany - September 7-8, 2017
  32. N. Iardella, G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, A. Frangioni, L. Galli, D. Sabella, F. Mauro, G.M. Dell'Aera, M. Caretti, "A testbed for flexible and energy-efficient resource management with virtualized LTE-A nodes", International Workshop on Cloud Technologies and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Communication Networks (CLEEN) 2017, Turin, Italy, 21-22 June 2017
  33. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, A. Frangioni, L. Galli, D. Sabella, G.M. Dell'Aera, "Scalability and energy efficiency of Coordinated Scheduling in cellular networks towards 5G", International Workshop on Cloud Technologies and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Communication Networks (CLEEN) 2017, Turin, Italy, 21-22 June 2017
  34. D. Sabella, P.Serrano, G.Stea, A.Virdis, I. Tinnirello, F. Giuliano, D. Garlisi, P. Vlacheas, P. Demestichas, V. Foteinos, N. Bartzoudis, M. Payarò, A. Medela, "A Flexible and Reconfigurable 5G Networking Architecture Based on Context and Content Information", EuCNC 2017, Oulu, Finland, June 12-15, 2017
  35. N. Iardella, G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, L. Galli, A. Frangioni, D. Sabella, F. Mauro, G.M. Dell'Aera, M. Caretti, "Flexible dynamic Coordinated Scheduling in Virtual-RAN deployments", FlexNets 2017, Paris, FR, 20th May 2017
  36. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, G. Stea, "Simulating Device-to-Device Communications in OMNeT++ with SimuLTE: Scenarios and Configurations", 3rd OMNeT++ Community Summit, BRNO, Czech Republic, September 15-16, 2016
  37. A. Virdis, C. Vallati, G. Nardini, "Automating Large-Scale Simulation and Data Analysis with OMNeT++: Lessons Learned and Future Perspectives", 3rd OMNeT++ Community Summit, BRNO, Czech Republic, September 15-16, 2016
  38. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, "Broadcasting in LTE-Advanced networks using multihop D2D communications", PIMRC 2016, Valencia, September 7-9, 2016
  39. G. Nardini, A. Virdis, G. Stea, "Modeling X2 backhauling for LTE-Advanced and assessing its effect on CoMP Coordinated Scheduling", IWSLS2 2016, Vienna, July 1st, 2016
  40. A. Virdis, G. Nardini, G. Stea, "Modeling unicast device-to-device communications with SimuLTE", IWSLS2 2016, Vienna, July 1st, 2016
  41. N. Iardella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Sabella, A. Frangioni, "Statistically sound experiments with OpenAirInterface Cloud-RAN prototypes", International Workshop on Cloud Technologies and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Communication Networks (CLEEN) 2016, Grenoble, FR, May 2016
  42. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, "Fast and agile lossless mode switching for D2D communications in LTE-Advanced networks", IEEE VTC Spring 2016, Nanjing, PRC, 15-18 May 2016
  43. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Performance evaluation of TCP-based traffic over direct communications in LTE-Advanced", IEEE VTC Spring 2016, Nanjing, PRC, 15-18 May 2016
  44. C. Vallati, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, G. Stea, "Exploiting LTE D2D Communications in M2M Fog Platforms: Deployment and Practical Issues", IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), Milan, Italy, 2015
  45. A. Virdis, N. Iardella, G. Stea, D. Sabella, "Performance analysis of OpenAirInterface system emulation", PMECT 2015, Rome, Italy, August 26, 2015
  46. A. Virdis, G. Stea, G. Nardini, "SimuLTE: A Modular System-level Simulator for LTE/LTE-A Networks based on OMNeT++", SimulTech 2014, Vienna, AT, August 28-30, 2014 - Slides
  47. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, "Effective dynamic coordinated scheduling in LTE-Advanced networks", EUCNC 2014, Bologna, IT, June 23-26, 2014
  48. G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, M. Caretti, D. Sabella, "Improving network performance via optimization-based centralized coordination of LTE-A cells", International Workshop on Cloud Technologies and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Communication Networks (CLEEN) 2014, Istanbul, TK, April 6, 2014

Other Works: Posters, Tutorials, National Conferences (peer reviewed)

  1. N. Bicocchi, M. Fogli, C. Giannelli, M. Picone, A. Virdis, "Achieving End-to-End Cyber-Physical Trustworthiness Through Digital Twins", 9th CINI Annual Conference on ICT for Smart Cities and Communities (I-CiTies 2023), Salerno, Italy, 13-14 September, 2023
  2. M. A. Habibi, A. G. Sanchez, I. L. Pavon, B. Han, P. Serrano, J. Perez-Valero, A. Virdis, H. D. Schotten; "The Architectural Design of Service Management and Orchestration in 6G Communication Systems"; IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2023), New York, USA, 17-20 May 2023
  3. C. Puliafito, L. Gigli, I. Zyrianoff, F. Montori, A. Virdis, S. Di Pascoli, E. Mingozzi, M. Di Felice, "A System of Systems for Joint Structural-Health Monitoring and Power Control in Smart Factories", 8th CINI Annual Conference on ICT for Smart Cities and Communities (I-CiTies 2022), Ascoli Piceno, Italy, 14-16 September, 2022
  4. A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Networking Support for Service Continuity in the Cloud-Edge Continuum", 3rd Italian Workshop on HPC, Torino, Italy, 14 September, 2022
  5. C. Bonsignori, C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, G. Iannaccone, "Integrating legacy devices into the Arrowhead Framework through Web of Things", 7th CINI Annual Conference on ICT for Smart Cities and Communities (I-CiTies 2021), Salerno, Italy, 22-24 September, 2021
  6. F. Barbarulo, C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Companion Edge Computing based on QUIC and ETSI MEC", 7th CINI Annual Conference on ICT for Smart Cities and Communities (I-CiTies 2021), Salerno, Italy, 22-24 September, 2021
  7. L. Conforti, C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Extending the QUIC Protocol for Server-Side Migration", 7th CINI Annual Conference on ICT for Smart Cities and Communities (I-CiTies 2021), Salerno, Italy, 22-24 September, 2021;
  8. C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Companion Fog Computing in a Smart City: A Focus on Connection Migration", 6th CINI Annual Conference on ICT for Smart Cities and Communities (I-CiTies 2020), Salerno, Italy, 23-25 September, 2020
  9. F. Di Rienzo, A. Virdis, C. Vallati, N. Carbonaro, A. Tognetti, "A sensorized glove for industrial safety based on Near-Field Communication", IEEE International Conference On Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP 2020), Bologna, Italy, 14-17 September 2020.
  10. C. Puliafito, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Migration of Multi-container Services in the Fog to Support Things Mobility", IEEE International Conference On Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP 2020), Bologna, Italy, 14-17 September 2020.
  11. P. Cassarà, A. Virdis, "Online MTC-traffic classification and monitoring in smart environments", 5th CINI Annual Conference on ICT for Smart Cities and Communities (I-CiTies 2019), Pisa, Italy, 18-20 September, 2019
  12. G. Tanganelli, A. Virdis, E. Mingozzi, "Software-defined network of things for smart cities", 5th CINI Annual Conference on ICT for Smart Cities and Communities (I-CiTies 2019), Pisa, Italy, 18-20 September, 2019
  13. N. Carbonaro, A. Tognetti, C. Vallati, A. Virdis, M. Gesi, "ePhysio: a platform for self-rehabilitation of musculoskeletal diseases", 4th CINI Annual Conference on ICT for Smart Cities and Communities (I-CiTies 2018), L'Aquila, Italy, 9-21 September, 2018
  14. N. Iardella, G. Nardini, G. Stea, A. Virdis, F. Mauro, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, G.M. Dell`Aera, "Coordinated scheduling in a Virtual-RAN prototype with OpenAirInterface", EUCNC 2016, Athens, 27-30 June 2016
  15. A. Virdis, "Optimization in the Loop: Implementing and Testing Scheduling Algorithms with SimuLTE", 2nd OMNeT++ Community Summit, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland, September 3-4, 2015 - Video
  16. A. Virdis, G. Stea, D. Sabella, M. Caretti, "A practical framework for energy-efficient node activation in heterogeneous LTE networks", 5th InfQ Workshop, Torino, Italy, October 2014
  17. A. Virdis, G. Stea, "System-level analysis of the tradeoffs between power saving and capacity/QoS with DRX in LTE", 4th InfQ Workshop, Sorrento, Italy, June 2013


  1. M. Filippou, G. Nardini, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Transport layer congestion control assisted by MEC services", US Application Number 62/911,048, (2019/10/04)
  2. M. Caretti, G. Nardini, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Radiodiffusione di messaggi per mezzo di trasmissioni da dispositivo a dispositivo", Italian patent application No. 102017000003921, 16/01/2017
  3. M. Caretti, G. Nardini, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Method and System for loss mitigation during device to device communication mode switching", PCT Application Number 2016WO-EP060866, filed 13/5/2016
  4. M. Caretti, G. Nardini, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Method and System for data tunneling in device to device communications assisted by a telecommunication network", PCT Application Number 2016WO-EP060864, filed 13/5/2016
  5. M. Caretti, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "METHOD FOR MANAGING DATA TRANSMISSION POWER IN MOBILE CELLULAR NETWORKS", PCT/EP2014/077349, filed 11/12/2014
  6. M. Caretti, G. Nardini, A. Rossali, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Resource Allocation System and Method Adapted to Implement Device-to-Device Communications in Wireless Communication Networks", PCT/EP2014/059490, filed 08/05/2014
  7. M. Caretti, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Method for Power Consumption Optimization in Mobile Cellular Networks", PCT/EP2014/053954, filed 28/2/2014
  8. M. Caretti, G. Nardini, D. Sabella, G. Stea, A. Virdis, "Metodo per pianificare risorse radio", MI2013A000756, filed 09/05/2013

Research Projects

  1. 2020-running: "Arrowhead Tools”, funded by ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU).
  2. 2021-running: "Hexa-X - A flagship for B5G/6G vision and intelligent fabric of technology enablers connecting human, physical, and digital worlds", funded by the EU under call H2020-ICT-2018-20.
  3. 2019-20: MEC performance evaluations and Developers engagement. Funded by Intel GmbH (Munich, DE).
  4. 2019-20: MEC performance evaluations and Developers engagement. Funded by Intel GmbH (Munich, DE).
  5. 2016-17: SAPIENT: Satcom and terrestrial architectures improving performance, security and safety in ATM. Funded by the EU under call H2020-SESAR-2015-1
  6. 2015: Study of algorithms and innovative solutions for QoS and energy efficiency management in evolved mobile systems (LTE/LTE-Advanced towards 5G), funded by Telecom Italia Lab (Turin, Italy).
  7. 2015-17: Flex5Gware - Flexible and efficient hardware/software platforms for 5G network elements and devices, Funded by the EU under call H2020-ICT-2014-2.
  8. 2014: Definition of satellite network and related protocols, funded by Thales Alenia Space (Rome, Italy).
  9. 2014: Study of algorithms and innovative solutions for QoS and energy efficiency in evolved mobile systems towards 5G, funded by Telecom Italia Lab (Turin, Italy).
  10. 2013: Study of algorithms and innovative solutions for QoS and energy efficiency in evolved mobile systems (LTE/LTE-A), funded by Telecom Italia Lab (Turin, Italy).
  11. 2012: Study of packet scheduling and resource allocation algorithm for QoS and energy efficiency in evolved mobile systems, funded by Telecom Italia Lab (Turin, Italy).
  12. 2011-12: "Modelli, Algoritmi e Applicazioni di Ottimizzazione Non Lineare Intera Strutturata", prot. 2009XN4ZRR_005, funded by Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (MIUR) under the PRIN program.


Dottorato in Smart Computing, University of Florence, Pisa and Siena

  1. Year 2016: "Simulation theory and practice".

Laurea Triennale degree in Ingegneria Informatica, University of Pisa

  1. Years 2024-in corso: Docenza per l'insegnamento di Algoritmi e strutture dati, primo anno.
  2. Years 2018-2023: Co-docenza per l'insegnamento di Algoritmi e strutture dati, primo anno.
  3. Year 2017: Supporto alla didattica per l'insegnamento di Algoritmi e strutture dati, primo anno.
  4. Years 2014-2016: Supporto alla didattica per l'insegnamento di Fondamenti di Informatica II, modulo di algoritmi e strutture dati, primo anno.
  5. Years 2013: Supporto alla didattica per l'insegnamento di Fondamenti di Informatica II, modulo di basi di dati, primo anno.

Master degree in Computer Engeneering, University of Pisa

  1. Years 2019-in corso: Co-docenza per l'insegnamento di Advanced Network Architectures and Wireless Systems, Corso di Laurea Computer Engeneering - LM, secondo anno
  2. Years 2015-2023: Co-docenza per l'insegnamento di Performance evaluation of Computer Systems and Networks, Corso di Laurea Computer Engeneering - LM, primo anno
  3. Year 2014: Supporto alla didattica per l'insegnamento di Performance evaluation of Computer Systems and Networks, Corso di Laurea Computer Engeneering - LM, primo anno
  4. Year 2015: Seminario "Computer Engineers Vs LTE", insegnamento Advanced Network Architectures and Wireless Systems, secondo anno
  5. Year 2013: Seminario "LTE Basics", insegnamento Advanced Network Architectures and Wireless Systems, secondo anno
  6. Year 2013: Seminario "Simulations and OMNeT++", insegnamento Advanced Network Architectures and Wireless Systems, secondo anno
  7. Year 2012: Seminario "Reti Cellulari di quarta generazione: LTE e LTE-Advanced", insegnamento Architetture Avanzate di Networking e Sistemi Wireless, secondo anno
  8. Year 2012: Seminario "Tecniche di simulazione mediante OMNeT++", insegnamento Architetture Avanzate di Networking e Sistemi Wireless, secondo anno

Technical/Organization/Editorial Roles

Book Editor
