Antonio Virdis


Antonio Virdis - Associate Professor

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione - Università di Pisa

Antonio Virdis graduated in Computer Systems Engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy, in October 2011. He received the PhD in Computer System Architectures in 2015 in the same university. Since 2024 is Associate Professor in the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa. His research interests include Quality of Service, scheduling and resource allocation in computer networks, Edge Computing, network simulation and performance evaluation. He coauthored more than 90 peer-reviewed papers, 8 patents and 4 book chapters in the above fields. He edited the book tile "Recent Advances in Network Simulation", published by Springer/EAI. He coordinated and has beend involved in research projects supported by private industries and funded by the EU community and by Italian MUR. He served as TPC chair for the International OMNeT++ Summit, and of the IEEE SmartSys workshop, and as a member of the TPC for more than 20 international conferences.

A detailed list of the research activities is available here.
