Marco Moretti
"Never mind what's been selling, it is what you are buying"
Marco Moretti
Dept. of Information Engineering
University of Pisa
Via Caruso, I-56126 Pisa, Italy
Phone: +390502217525
Fax:     +39-050-2217-522
e-mail to: marco.moretti at unipi.it
Bio |
I currently am an Associate Professor at the the University of Pisa.
In 2018 I spent a month at Xidian University in Xi'an doing research and teaching a course or Advanced resource allocation for wireless systems.
In 2014 I spent the fall semester at Columbia University in New York as Adjunct Associate Professor.
Before being at Pisa University, I was Senior Researcher at Marconi Mobile (Leonardo).
I received the Ph.D. degree from the Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) and graduated in Electronic Engineering at the University of Florence (Italy).
Here you can find my most relevant publications. Or you can check my Scholar page.
Research |
My expertise and general interests span the areas of communications and signal processing, estimation and detection theory.
My main research interests include:
- Resource allocation for multi-carrier systems: power, rate and channel allocation. My current work is on allocation in 5G with an interest on interference-related scenarios, such as MIMO, D2D, full duplex and NOMA communications.
- Synchronization and channel estimation for OFDMA systems with a focus on LTE and 5G.
- Enviromental monitoring by opportunistic use of radio signal.
Editorial Work |
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
Reviewer for many journals among which are: IEEE Transactions on Communications; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. |
Projects |
My research is fully integrated with the activities of the research group Digital Transmission of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa. In particular, the main projects in which I have recently participated are:
- Regional research project, SISTER - Signaling & Sensing Technologies in Railway application, 2017-2019.
- Regional research project, ICTPRECIP - Electronic platform development for the control and transmission of data on real-time PRECIPITATION fields, 2016-2018.
- University of Pisa research project, 5G technologies for the Internet of Things of TOmorrow (5GIOTTO), 2015-2016.
- European network of excellence (FP7), NEWCOM# - NEtwork of Excellence in Wireless COMunications#, 2013-2015.
- European CIPS 2010, SWING - Short Wave critical Infrastructure Network based on new Generation of high survival radio communication systems, 2010-2013.
- UE research project (FP7), Seamless aeronautical networking through integration of data links, radios, and antennas (SANDRA), 2009-2013.
- European network of excellence (FP7), NEWCOM++ - NEtwork of Excellence in Wireless COMunications++, 2008-2010. Local coordinator in charges of workpackages 8,9.
- University of Pisa research project, Design of efficient algorithms for cognitive radio systems, 2009-2010.
- DoCoMo Euro-Labs (DOCOMO INC) sponsored research project, Towards multi-carrier based cognitive radio: resolving PHY layer issues, 2006-2008.
MM © 2018 |
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