International Symposium on
Signals, Systems, and Electronics
29 September-02 October 1998
Palazzo dei Congressi
PISA, Italy
Download the Registration form
(Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF file, 293k)
fill it in with all details on your travel and accommodation, and send it back to our Organizing Secretariat:
D.G.M.P. - INCOR s.r.l.
Via G. Carducci, 62/E - 56010 - Ghezzano (Pisa) - Italy
Phone: + 39 050 879740 - 879768 - Fax: + 39 050 879812
Students are entitled to a "basic" registration at a reduced price (see the Registration Form) including
coffee breaks and a copy of the proceedings only. Student status proof required.
A limited number of reduced subscriptions for People under 35 years of age (Young Scientists) are also specially funded by URSI. Young Scientists will pay the same fee as Students (see above) and will have
the full treatment as ordinary subscribers (see Registration Form). Copy of passport/identity card required. Young Scientist subscriptions will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis.
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