International Symposium on Signals, Systems,
and Electronics
29 September-02 October 1998, Palazzo dei Congressi, PISA, Italy
DSP for Telecommunications
Organizer/Chairman: G. Vitetta, University of Pisa
L. Lo Presti, G. Olmo, E. Magli (Politecnico di Torino, Italy), "Joint Estimation of the Number and
the Frequencies of Multiple Sinusoids from Very Noisy Data "
F. Daneshgaran (California State University Los Angeles, USA), M. Mondin, F. Dovis (Politecnico di Torino, Italy), "Connection Between ML
Estimation of Output Labels of SIMO Channels and Clustering Algorithms
M. A. Spirito (Politecnico di Torino, Italy), A. Guidarelli Mattioli (Omnitel Pronto Italia, Italy), "On the Hyperbolic Positioning
of GSM Mobile Stations"
D. Xu, C. Bailey, R. Sotudeh (University of Teesside, UK), "An Improved Three-Step Search
Block-Matching Algorithm for Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Applications"
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