International Symposium on Signals, Systems,
and Electronics
29 September-02 October 1998, Palazzo dei Congressi, PISA, Italy
Wireless Transceivers
Organizer/Chairman: Giovanni Vannucci
P.W. Wolniansky, G.J. Foschini, G. D. Golden, R. A. Valenzuela (Bell Labs, USA), "V-BLAST: An Architecture for Realizing Very High Data Rates over the Rich-Scattering Wireless Channels"
J. G. Evans, R. A. Shober, G. Vannucci, S. A. Wilkus, G. A. Wright (Bell Labs, USA), "A Low-Cost Two-Way Radio Transceiver"
R. Cusani (University of Roma "La Sapienza", Italy), J. Mattila (Helsinky University of Technology, Finland), "A New Receiver for Digital Mobile Radio
Channels with Large Multipath Delay"
F. Daffara, P. Vinson (Texas Instruments France), "Improved Search Algorithm for Fast
Acquisition in a DSP-Based GPS Receiver"
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Last updated August 27, 1998