International Symposium on Signals, Systems,
and Electronics
29 September-02 October 1998, Palazzo dei Congressi, PISA, Italy
Nonlinear Circuit Design and Modeling
Organizer/Chairman: John Obregon, University of Limoges, France
A.E. Parker (Macquarie University, Australia) and D.E. Root (Hewlett Packard,
USA), "Pulse Measurements Quantify Dispersion in PHEMTs"
M. Prigent, J. C. Nallatamby, R. Quéré, J. M. Nebus, E. Ngoya, J. Obregon (IRCOM-CNRS, France),
(UMS, France),"Comprehensive Approach to the Nonlinear Design and Modeling of Microwave
D. Cartalade, P. Senn (France Telecom), D. Pache, E. Perea (SGS-Thomson, France),
H. Ghali (Ain Shams University, Egypt), J.-M. Fournier (INPG-LEMO, France), " An integrated 2GHz 20dBm 3V Wide band differential Power
Amplifier with Microstrip Antenna Interface"
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Last updated August 27, 1998