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Author | Title | Year | Journal/Proceedings | Reftype | DOI/URL |
Abbod MF, Mahfouf M, Linkens DA | Multi-objective genetic optimisation for self-organising fuzzy logic control | 1998 | in: Proc. of the 1998 UKACC International Conference on Control (UKACC'98) | inproceedings | DOI |
Alcala R, Alcala-Fdez J, Gacto MJ, Herrera F | On the Usefulness of MOEAs for Getting Compact FRBSs Under Parameter Tuning and Rule Selection | 2008 | Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Knowledge Discovery from Data Bases | inbook | |
Alcala R, Alcala-Fdez J, Gacto MJ, Herrera F | On the use of Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms to Improve the Accuracy-Interpretability Trade-Off of Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems | 2008 | in: Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Knowledge Discovery from Data Bases, Ghosh A, Dehuri S, Ghosh S (eds), Springer, 2008Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Knowledge Discovery from Data Bases | inbook | |
Alcala R, Alcala-Fdez J, Gacto MJ, Herrera F | A Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm for Tuning and Rule Selection to Obtain Accurate and Compact Linguistic Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems | 2007 | International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems | article | |
Alcala R, Alcala-Fdez J, Gacto MJ, Herrera F | A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Rule Selection and Tuning on Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems | 2007 | in: Proc. of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'07) | inproceedings | |
Alcala R, Alcala-Fdez J, Gacto MJ, Herrera F | Obtencion de Sistemas Basados en Reglas Difusas Precisos y Compactos Mediante Algoritmos Geneticos Multiobjetivo | 2006 | XIII Congreso Espanol sobre Tecnologias y Logica Fuzzy (ESTYLF06) | inproceedings | |
Alcala R, Alcala-Fdez J, Gacto MJ, Herrera F | Obtaining Compact and Still Accurate Linguistic Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems by Using Multi-Objetive Genetic Algorithms | 2006 | in: Symposium on Fuzzy Systems in Computer Science (FSCS'06) | inproceedings | |
Alcala R, Benitez JM, Casillas J, Castro JL, Cordon O, Gonzalez A, Herrera F, Perez R | Multicriteria genetic tuning for the optimization and control of HVAC systems | 2003 | Applied Decision Support with Soft Computing | inbook | |
Alcala R, Casillas J, Castro JL, Gonzalez A, Herrera F | A Multicriteria Genetic Tuning for Fuzzy Logic Controllers | 2001 | Mathware and Soft Computing | article | |
Alcala R, Ducange P, Herrera F, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | A Multi-objective Evolutionary Approach to Concurrently Learn Rule and Data Bases of Linguistic Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems | 2009 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | article | DOI |
Alcala R, Gacto MJ, Herrera F | A Fast and Scalable Multi-Objective Genetic Fuzzy System for Linguistic Fuzzy Modeling in High-Dimensional Regression Problems | 2011 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | article | DOI |
Alcala R, Nojima Y, Herrera F, Ishibuchi H | Multiobjective Genetic Fuzzy Rule Selection of Single Granularity-Based Fuzzy Classification Rules and its Interaction with the Lateral Tuning of Membership Functions | 2011 | Soft Computing | article | DOI |
Alcala R, Nojima Y, Herrera F, Ishibuchi H | Generating Single Granularity Based Fuzzy Classification Rules for Multiobjective Genetic Fuzzy Rule Selection | 2009 | in: Proc. of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'09) | inproceedings | DOI |
Alonso JM, Magdalena L, Cordon O | Embedding HILK in a three-objective evolutionary algorithm with the aim of modeling highly interpretable fuzzy rule-based classifiers | 2010 | in Proc. of the 4th Int. Workshop on Genetic and Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems (GEFS'10) | inproceedings | DOI |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | Learning concurrently data and rule bases of Mamdani fuzzy rule-based systems by exploiting a novel interpretability index | 2011 | Soft Computing | article | DOI |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | Learning Knowledge Bases of Multi-objective Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems by Simultaneously Optimizing Accuracy, Complexity and Partition Integrity | 2011 | Soft Computing | article | DOI |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | Exploiting a Three-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Generating Mamdani Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems | 2010 | in Proc. of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'10) | inproceedings | |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | Learning Concurrently Partition Granularities and Rule Bases of Mamdani Fuzzy Systems in a Multi-objective Evolutionary Framework | 2009 | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | article | DOI |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | Multi-objective Evolutionary Learning of Granularity, Membership Function Parameters and Rules of Mamdani Fuzzy Systems | 2009 | Evolutionary Ingelligence | article | DOI |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | Learning Concurrently Granularity, Membership Function Parameters and Rules of Mamdani Fuzzy Rule-based Systems | 2009 | in Proc. of the joint International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference (IFSA/EUSFLAT 2009) | inproceedings | |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | A Three-Objective Evolutionary Approach to Generate Mamdani Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems | 2009 | in Proc. of the 4th International Conference of Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems (HIS2009 | inproceedings | |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | Learning Concurrently Granularity, Membership Function Parameters and Rules of Mamdani Fuzzy Rule-based Systems | 2009 | in Proc. of the IFSA'09/EUSFLAT'09 International Conference | inproceedings | |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | Exploiting a New Interpretability Index in the Multi-Objective Evolutionary Learning of Mamdani Fuzzy Rule-based Systems | 2009 | in Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA'09) | inproceedings | |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | A Multi-objective Genetic Approach to Concurrently Learn Partition Granularity and Rule Bases of Mamdani Fuzzy Systems | 2008 | in Proc. of 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'08) | inproceedings | |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Lazzerini M, Marcelloni F | Multi-objective Evolutionary Generation of Mamdani Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems based on Rule and Condition Selection | 2011 | in Proc. of the 5th IEEE International Workshop on Genetic and Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems (GEFS'11) | inproceedings | |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Marcelloni F | An experimental study on evolutionary fuzzy classifiers designed for managing imbalanced datasets | 2014 | Neurocomputing | article | DOI |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Marcelloni F | A fast and efficient multi-objective evolutionary learning scheme for fuzzy rule-based classifiers | 2014 | Information Sciences | article | DOI |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Marcelloni F | An efficient multi-objective evolutionary fuzzy system for regression problems | 2013 | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | article | DOI |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Marcelloni F | Genetic Training Instance Selection in Multi-Objective Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems: A Co-evolutionary Approach | 2012 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | article | DOI |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Marcelloni F | A New Approach to Handle High Dimensional and Large Datasets in Multi-objective Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems | 2011 | in Proc. of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'11) | inproceedings | |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Marcelloni F | Exploiting a Coevolutionary Approach to Concurrently Select Training Instances and Learn Rule Bases of Mamdani Fuzzy Systems | 2010 | in Proc. of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'10) | inproceedings | |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Marcelloni F, Segatori A | On the Influence of Feature Selection in Fuzzy Rule-based Regression Model Generation | 2015 | Information Sciences | article | DOI |
Antonelli M, Ducange P, Marcelloni F, Segatori A | Evolutionary fuzzy classifiers for imbalanced datasets: An experimental comparison | 2013 | IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting (IFSA/NAFIPS), 2013 Joint | inproceedings | DOI |
Ascia G, Catania V, Di Nuovo AG, Palesi M, Patti D | Performance Evaluation of Efficient Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Design Space Exploration of Embedded Computer Systems | 2011 | Applied Soft Computing | article | DOI |
Berlanga FJ, del Jesus MJ, Gonzalez P, Herrera F | Multiobjective evolutionary induction of subgroup discovery rules in a market problem | 2005 | in: Proc. of the 2005 International Conference on Machine Intelligence | inproceedings | |
Berlanga FJ, del Jesus MJ, Gonzalez P, Herrera F, Mesonero M | Multiobjective Evolutionary Induction of Subgroup Discovery Fuzzy Rules: A Case Study in Marketing | 2006 | in: Proc. of the 6th Industrial Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'06) | inproceedings | |
Bica B, Chipperfield AJ, Fleming PJ, MacKenzie S | Enhancing the Performance of a Multivariable Fuzzy Controller by Means of a Multiobjective Genetic Programming and Statistical Analysis | 2000 | in: Proc. of the 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON'00) | inproceedings | |
Blumel AL, Hughes EJ, White BA | Multi-objective Evolutionary Design of Fuzzy Autopilot Controller | 2001 | in: Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO'01) | inproceedings | |
Blumel AL, Hughes EJ, White BA | Fuzzy autopilot design using a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm | 2000 | in: Proc. of the 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'00) | inproceedings | |
Blumel AL, White BA | Multiobjective optimization of fuzzy logic scheduled controllers for missile autopilot design | 2001 | in: Proc. of the 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference (IFSA-NAFIPS'01) | inproceedings | |
Botta A, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | A multi-objective cooperative coevolutionary approach to Mamdani fuzzy system generation | 2008 | in Proc. of 12th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU'08) | inproceedings | |
Botta A, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F, Stefanescu D | Context adaptation of fuzzy systems through a multi-objective evolutionary approach based on a novel interpretability index | 2008 | Soft Computing | article | DOI |
Cannone R, Alonso JM, Magdalena L | Multi-objective design of highly interpretable fuzzy rule-based classi?ers with semantic cointension | 2011 | in Proc. of the 5th Int. Workshop on Genet. Evol. Fuzzy Syst. (GEFS'11)" | inproceedings | DOI |
Cannone R, Alonso JM, Magdalena L | An Empirical Study on Interpretability Indexes through Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms | 2011 | in Proc. of the 9th International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications (WILF'11) | inproceedings | DOI |
Cardenas EH, Carmago HA | Multiobjective Genetic Optimization of Fuzzy Partitions and T-Norm Parameters in Fuzzy Classifiers | 2012 | in Proc. of the 2012 Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (SBRN'12) | inproceedings | DOI |
Carmona CJ, Gonzalez P, del Jesus MJ, Herrera F | NMEEF-SD: Non-dominated Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Extracting Fuzzy Rules in Subgroup Discovery | 2010 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | article | DOI |
Casillas J, Delgado O, Martinez-Lopez FJ | Predictive knowledge discovery by multiobjective genetic fuzzy systems for estimating consumer behavior models | 2005 | in: Proc. of the 4th International Conference in Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT'05) | inproceedings | |
Casillas J, Delgado O, Martinez-Lopez FJ | Una Metodologia de KDD basada en Sistemas Difusos Geneticos Multiobjetivo para Modelado Causal en Marketing | 2005 | in Proc. of the 4th Congreso Espanol sobre Metahuristicas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (MAEB'05) | inproceedings | |
Casillas J, Martinez-Lopez FJ | Consumer modeling by multiobjective genetic fuzzy systems: a descriptive rule induction approach | 2007 | in: Proc. of the 36th European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC'07) | inproceedings | |
Casillas J, Martinez-Lopez FJ | Modeling vague data with genetic fuzzy systems under a combination of crisp and imprecise criteria | 2007 | in Proc. of the first IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM 2007) | inproceedings | |
Casillas J, Martinez P, Benitez AD | Learning consistent, complete and compact sets of fuzzy rules in conjunctive normal form for regression problems | 2009 | Soft Computing | article | DOI |
Castillo O, Melin P, Alanis A, Montiel O, Sepulveda R | Optimization of interval type-2 fuzzy logic controllers using evolutionary algorithms | 2011 | Soft Computing | article | DOI |
Castillo O, Melin P, Alanis A, Montiel O, Sepulveda R | Optimization of interval type-2 fuzzy logic controllers using evolutionary algorithms | 2011 | Soft Computing | article | DOI |
Chen J, Mahfouf M | Interpretable fuzzy modeling using multi-objective immune-inspired optimization algorithms | 2010 | in Proc. of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'10) | inproceedings | DOI |
Chen J, Mahfouf M | An Artificial Immune Systems based Predictive Modelling Approach for the multi-objective elicitation of mamdani fuzzy rules: A special application to modelling Alloys | 2009 | in Proc. of the 2009 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE-SMC'09) | inproceedings | DOI |
Chen J, Mahfouf M | An immune algorithm based fuzzy predictive modeling mechanism using variable length coding and multi-objective optimization allied to engineering materials processing | 2008 | in Proc. of the 2008 IEEE Int. Conf. on Granular Computing (IEEE-GrC'08) | inproceedings | DOI |
Chipperfield AJ, Bica B, Fleming PJ | Fuzzy scheduling control of a gas turbine aero-engine: a multiobjective approach | 2002 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics | article | |
Cococcioni M, Corsini G, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | Solving the Ocean Color Inverse Problem by Using Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems | 2008 | KES Journal | article | |
Cococcioni M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | A comparison of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms in fuzzy Rule-Based systems generation | 2006 | in Proc. of the 2006 North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS'06) | inproceedings | |
Cococcioni M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | A Pareto-based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Approach to the Identification of Mamdani Fuzzy Systems | 2007 | Soft Computing | article | |
Cococcioni M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | A New Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm based on Convex Hull for Binary Classifier Optimization | 2007 | in Proc. of the 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'07) | inproceedings | |
Cococcioni M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization of Fuzzy Rule-Based Classifiers in the ROC space | 2007 | in Proc. of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'07) | inproceedings | |
Cococcioni M, Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F, Vecchio, M. | Identification of Mamdani Fuzzy Systems based on a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm | 2005 | First Italian Workshop on Evolutionary Computation (GSICE'05) | inproceedings | |
Cococcioni M, Grasso R, Rixen M | A Hybrid Continuity Preserving Inference Strategy to Speed Up Takagi-Sugeno Multiobjective Genetic Fuzzy Systems | 2011 | in Proc. of 5th IEEE International Workshop on Genetic and Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems (GEFS'11) | inproceedings | |
Cococcioni M, Guasqui P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | Identification of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems based on Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms | 2005 | in Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications (WILF'05) | inproceedings | |
Cococcioni M, Lazzerini B | Multiobjective evolutionary optimization of quadratic Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy rules for remote bathymetry estimation | 2015 | IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2015-Genova | inproceedings | DOI |
Cococcioni M, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | Towards Efficient Multi-objective Genetic Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems for High Dimensional Problems | 2010 | Computational Intelligence in Expensive Optimization Problems | inbook | DOI |
Cococcioni M, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | Fast Multiobjective Genetic Rule Learning Using an Efficient Method for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems Identification | 2008 | in Proc. of 8th Int. Conf. on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'08) | inproceedings | |
Cococcioni M, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni M | On reducing computational overhead in multi-objective genetic Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy systems | 2011 | Applied Soft Computing | article | DOI |
Cordon O, del Jesus MJ, Herrera F, Magdalena L, Villar P | A Multiobjective Genetic Learning Process for Joint Feature Selection and Granularity and Context Learning in Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems | 2003 | in: Interpretability Issues in Fuzzy Modeling, Casillas J, Cordon O, Herrera F, Magdalena L (eds), Springer, 2003Interpretability Issues in Fuzzy Modeling | inbook | |
Cordon O, del Jesus MJ, Herrera F, Villar P | A Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection and Granularity Learning in Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems | 2001 | in: Proc. of the joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS Int. Conf. (IFSA-NAFIPS'01) | inproceedings | |
Cordon O, Gomide F, Herrera F, Hoffmann F, Magdalena L | Ten years of genetic fuzzy systems: Current framework and new trends | 2004 | Fuzzy Sets and Systems | article | |
Cordon O, Herrera F, del Jesus MJ, Magdalena L, Sanchez AM, Villar P | A Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection and Data Base Learning in Fuzzy-Rule Based Classification Systems | 2002 | in: Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU'02) | inproceedings | |
Cordon O, Quirin A, Sanchez L | A First Study on Bagging Fuzzy Rule-based Classication Systems with Multicriteria Genetic Selection of the Component Classiers | 2008 | in: Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Genetic and Evolving Fuzzy Systems (GEFS '08) | inproceedings | |
Delgado O, Casillas J | Extraccion de conocimiento mediante un algoritmo genetico multiobjetivo estilo Pittsburgh y reglas linguisticas tipo DNF | 2007 | in Proc. of the 5th Congreso Espanol sobre Metahuristicas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (MAEB'07) | inproceedings | |
De Vega MA, Bardallo JM, Marquez FA, Peregrin, A | Parallel Distributed Two-Level Evolutionary Multiobjective Methodology for Granularity Learning and Membership Functions Tuning in Linguistic Fuzzy Systems | 2009 | in Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA'09) | inproceedings | |
Di Nuovo A, Ascia G, Catania V | A Study on Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization with Fuzzy Approximation for Computational Expensive Problems | 2012 | Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XII | inbook | DOI |
Di Nuovo AG, Catania V | Linguistic Modifiers to Improve the Accuracy-Interpretability Trade-off in Multi-Objective Genetic Design of Fuzzy Rule Based Classifier Systems | 2009 | in Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA'09) | inproceedings | |
Ducange P, Lazzerini B, Marcelloni F | Multi-objective Genetic Fuzzy Classifiers for Imbalanced and Cost-sensitive Datasets | 2010 | Soft Computing | article | DOI |
Ducange P, Marcelloni F | Multi-objective Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems | 2011 | Fuzzy Logic and Applications | inbook | DOI |
Emmanouilidis C, Hunter A, MacIntyre J, Cox C | Multiple-criteria genetic algorithms for feature selection in neurofuzzy modeling | 1999 | in: Proc. of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'99) | inproceedings | |
Emmanouilidis C, Hunter A, MacIntyre J, Cox C | Selecting features in neurofuzzy modelling by multiobjective genetic algorithms | 1999 | in: Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'99) | inproceedings | |
Herrera F | Genetic Fuzzy Systems: Taxonomy, Current Research Trends and Prospects | 2008 | Evolutionary Intelligence | article | |
Herrera F | Genetic fuzzy systems: Status, critical considerations and future directions | 2005 | International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research | article | |
Fazendeiro P, de Oliveira JV, Pedrycz W | A Multiobjective Design of a Patient and Anaesthetist-Friendly Neuromuscular Blockade Controller | 2007 | IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering | article | |
Fazzolari M, Alcala R, Herrera F | A multi-objective evolutionary method for learning granularities based on fuzzy discretization to improve the accuracy-complexity trade-off of fuzzy rule-based classification systems: D-MOFARC algorithm | 2014 | Applied Soft Computing | article | DOI |
Fazzolari M, Alcala R, Nojima Y, Ishibuchi H, Herrera F | A Review of the Application of Multiobjective Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems: Current Status and Further Directions | 2013 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | article | DOI |
Fazzolari M, Giglio B, Alcala R, Marcelloni F, Herrera F | A study on the application of instance selection techniques in genetic fuzzy rule-based classification systems: Accuracy-complexity trade-off | 2013 | Knowledge-Based Systems | article | DOI |
Gacto MJ, Alcala R, Herrera F | A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for an Effective Tuning of Fuzzy Logic Controllers in Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems | 2012 | Applied Intelligence | article | DOI |
Gacto MJ, Alcala R, Herrera F | Integration of an index to preserve the semantic interpretability in the multi-objective evolutionary rule selection and tuning of linguistic fuzzy systems | 2010 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | article | |
Gacto MJ, Alcala R, Herrera F | Adaptation and Application of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Rule Reduction and Parameter Tuning of Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems | 2009 | Soft Computing | article | |
Gacto MJ, Alcala R, Herrera F | A Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Tuning Fuzzy Rule Based Systems with Measures for Preserving Interpretability | 2009 | in Proc. of the joint International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference (IFSA/EUSFLAT 2009) | inproceedings | |
Gacto MJ, Alcala R, Herrera F | An Improved Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Tuning Linguistic Fuzzy System | 2008 | in Proc. of 2008 International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2008) | inproceedings | |
Gacto MJ, Alcala R, Herrera F | Multi-Objective Genetic Fuzzy Systems: On the Necessity of Including Expert Knowledge in the MOEA Design Process | 2008 | in Proc. of 2008 International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2008) | inproceedings | |
Gacto MJ, Galende M, Alcala R, Herrera F | METSK-HDe: A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to learn accurate TSK-fuzzy systems in high-dimensional and large-scale regression problems | 2014 | Information Sciences | article | DOI |
Galende-Hernandez M, Sainz-Palmero G, Fuente-Aparicio M | Complexity reduction and interpretability improvement for fuzzy rule systems based on simple interpretability measures and indices by bi-objective evolutionary rule selection | 2012 | Soft Computing | article | DOI |
Galende M, Gacto MJ, Sainz G, Alcala R | Comparison and design of interpretable linguistic vs. scatter FRBSs: Gm3m generalization and new rule meaning index for global assessment and local pseudo-linguistic representation | 2014 | Information Sciences | article | DOI |
Yen GG | Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Temporal Linguistic Rule Extraction | 2006 | in: Multi-objective Machine Learning, Jin Y. (eds), Springer, 2006Multi-Objective Machine Learning | inbook | |
Ghandar A, Michalewicz Z | An experimental study of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for balancing interpretability and accuracy in fuzzy rulebase classifiers for financial prediction | 2011 | in Proc. of the 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics (CIFEr) | inproceedings | DOI |
Gholamian MR, Fatemi SMT, Ghazanfari M | A Hybrid Systematic Design for Multiobjective Market Problems: A Case Study in Crude Oil Markets | 2005 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | article | |
Ghosh A, Nath B | Multi-Objective Rule Mining Using Genetic Algorithms | 2004 | Information Sciences | article | |
Gladwin D, Stewart P, Parr M, Jill S | A Multiobjective G.A./Fuzzy Logic augmented flight controller for an F16 aircraft | 2007 | in Proc. of the 2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference (FUZZ-IEEE'07) | inproceedings | |
Gomez-Skarmeta AF, Jimenez F, Ibanez J | Pareto-optimality in fuzzy modeling | 1997 | in Proc. of the 6th European Congress on Int. Tech. Soft Comput. | inproceedings | |
Gomez-Skarmeta AF, Jimenez F, Sanchez G | Improving interpretability in approximative fuzzy models via multiobjective evolutionary algorithms | 2007 | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | article | |
Gonzalez J, Rojas I, Pomares H, Rojas F, Palomares JM | Multi-objective evolution of fuzzy systems | 2006 | Soft Computing | article | |
Gonzalez M, Casillas J, Morell C | Dealing with three uncorrelated criteria by many-objective genetic fuzzy systems | 2011 | Genetic and Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems (GEFS), 2011 IEEE 5th International Workshop on | inproceedings | DOI |
Guenounou O, Belmehdi A, Dahhou B | Multi-objective optimization of TSK fuzzy models | 2009 | Expert Systems with Applications | article | |
Guenounou O, Belmehdi A, Dahhou B | Multi-objective optimization of TSK fuzzy models | 2008 | in Proc. of the 5th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices | inproceedings | |
Ishibuchi H | Evolutionary multiobjective design of fuzzy rule-based systems | 2007 | in: Proc. of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on Foundation of Computational Intelligence | inproceedings | |
Ishibuchi H | Multiobjective genetic fuzzy systems: review and future research directions | 2007 | in: Proc. of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'07) | inproceedings | |
Ishibuchi H | Evolutionary multiobjective optimization for fuzzy knowledge extraction | 2007 | in: Proc. of 8th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems | inproceedings | |
Hamada Y, Nojima Y, Ishibuchi H | Use of multi-objective genetic rule selection for examining the effectiveness of inter-vehicle communication in traffic simulations | 2009 | Artificial Life and Robotics | article | |
Huang W, Ding L, Oh S-K | Design of Fuzzy Radial Basis Function Neural Networks with the Aid of Multi-objective Optimization Based on Simultaneous Tuning | 2011 | Advances in Neural Networks ISNN 2011 | inbook | DOI |
Huang W, Oh S-K | Identification of Fuzzy Inference Systems by Means of a Multiobjective Opposition-Based Space Search Algorithm | 2013 | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | article | DOI |
Huang W, Oh S-K, Kim, J-T | Design of Information Granulation-Based Fuzzy Models with the Aid of Multi-objective Optimization and Successive Tuning Method | 2011 | Advances in Neural Networks ISNN 2011 | inbook | DOI |
Hughes EJ, Tsourdos A, White BA | Multiobjective design of a fuzzy controller for a nonlinear missile autopilot | 2002 | in: Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design (CACSD'02) | inproceedings | |
de la Iglesia B, Reynolds A, Rayward-Smith VJ | Developments on a Multi-Objective Metaheuristic (MOMH) Algorithm for Finding Interesting Sets of Classification Rules | 2005 | in: Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO'05) | inproceedings | |
Ishibuchi, Hisao and Nojima, Yusuke | Repeated double cross-validation for choosing a single solution in evolutionary multi-objective fuzzy classifier design | 2013 | Knowledge-Based Systems | article | DOI |
Ishibuchi H, Kuwajima I, Nojima Y | Use of Pareto-Optimal and Near Pareto-Optimal Candidate Rules in Genetic Fuzzy Rule Selection | 2007 | in: Analysis and Design of Intelligent Systems using Soft Computing Techniques, Melin, P., Castillo, O., Ramirez, E. G., Kacprzyk, J., Pedrycz, W. (eds), Springer, 2007Analysis and Design of Intelligent Systems using Soft Computing Techniques | inbook | |
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