Marco Cococcioni's home page

Associate Professor

[ Ricevimento e Tutorato ]

Ricevimento e tutorato Lunedi', dalle 9.30 alle 11.30 (su appuntamento, da richiedere per email)
Largo Lucio Lazzarino, 1 (Sezione di Ingegneria Informatica: Polo A, secondo piano, stanza 5-052)
56122, Pisa - Italy
Telefono Numero di telefono/fax
e-mail E-mail
marco punto cococcioni chiocciola unipi punto it

[ Didattica ]

Fondamenti di Programmazione [I anno, Laurea Triennale in Ing. Informatica ]
Computational Intelligence and Deep Learning [II year, 1st sem, MD in Art. Int. & Data Eng.] [ MS Teams link ]
Symbolic and Evolutionary Artificial Intelligence [II year, 2nd sem, MD in Art. Int. & Data Eng. ] [ MS Teams link ]

Sistemi di Elaborazione [II anno, Laurea Triennale in Ing. delle Telecomunicazioni]
Fondamenti di Informatica e Calcolatori [I anno, Laurea Triennale in Ing. delle Telecomunicazioni]
Fondamenti di Informatica [I anno, Laurea Triennale in Ing. Biomedica]

[ Research (in english) ]

Marco Cococcioni is an associate professor at Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione (University of Pisa)
and is a member of the Data Science and Engineering Lab.
You can find his curriculum vitae here.
Marco Cococcioni research interests lie in computational intelligence and decision support systems,
mainly approached using fuzzy rule-based systems optimized by means of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms.
Current research interests are on the implementation of fast and low-energy consumption of artificial neural networks,
using novel representations of real numbers (namely, the Posit format) and using photonic hardware.
Also the implementation of neural networks involving infinitesimal end infinite numbers is under investigation.
His publications can be found on one of the following repositories:
[ResearchGate] [GoogleScholar] [Scopus] [ Web of Science ]
Since 2007, he maintains the Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization of Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems (EMOFRBSs) bibliography page
Here (or here) you can find his submissions to Matlab File Exchange (FEX).
He is one of the top 5% contributors to the Matlab FEX. Moreover, two of his submissions
have been selected as "Pick of the Week" by Mathworks.
In 2014 he has been a co-recipient of the NATO Scientific Achievement Award

In evidence:
PhD Workshop on Hardware Accelerators for AI and HPC applications
European Processor Initiative
Latest public release of upcoming standard for IEEE float on 8 bit or less for Machine Learning
(curiosity) Octagonal shapes in Pisa

[ Available theses (in italian only)]

Tesi di laurea magistrale
Tesine di laurea triennale e tirocini formativi

[ Visits since May 2007 ]