University of Pisa

MSc in Computer Engineering

Systems for Strategic Management and Support

Systems for Strategic Management and Support

Mario G. Cimino,
Department of Information Engineering, Center for Logistics Systems
Pisa, October-December 2013. Thursday 13.30-16.30, Friday 11.30-13.30. Room: ADInform2 (Blue Lab);


  6 (60 hours)


  The course aims at providing methodological skills that are essential for business analysts: discovering, scoping, assessing, modeling, and redesigning business processes. Students are trained on how to: identify a business process, separate business modeling from implementation modeling, manage detail in a workflow model, run a process modeling session, assess a process, generate ideas for the to-be process. Lab activities provide examples and tutorials to illustrate, design and deploy process-driven information systems.


  The course covers the following methodological topics. The strategy hierarchy: business strategy; operations strategy; process architecture and operating policies. Establish process context, scope and goals: discover business processes; establish process scope and contents; conduct initial as-is process assessment. Understand the as-is process: the essentials of process workflows models; managing progressive detail in process workflow models; the finer points of process workflow models; develop as-is process workflow model. Design the to-be process: conduct final as-is process assessment; determine to-be process characteristics and workflow. Related requirements definition techniques: business-oriented data modeling; requirements modeling with use cases and services.


  Methodological topics are based on the following books:

  1. A. Sharp, P. McDermott, Workflow modeling, 2nd ed., Artech House, Boston, 2009.


  Tutorials and lab activities are based on the following software tools:

  1. Logizian, business workflow design software, [32bit][64bit]
  2. Visual Paradigm for UML, Suite for task-level modeling, [32bit][64bit]
  3. Webratio, suite to build customized BPM applications, [Java7][Webratio]


  Lab project and oral exam (zip).


  1. 03/10, 15.30-18.30, lecture 01: slide (pdf); ref.: Anupidi 2012 book excerpt (pdf), Sharp 2009 pp. 34-46; exercise on past projects.
  2. 04/10, 11.30-13.30, lecture 02: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 46-55;
  3. 10/10, 13.30-16.30, lecture 03: slide (pdf); introduction to project topics; creation of group projects; creation of pilot scenarios;
  4. 11/10, 11.30-13.30, lecture 04: slide (pdf); creation of pilot scenarios for project topics;
  5. 17/10, 13.30-16.30, lecture 05: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 56-58, 68-80; tutorial 01(pdf) with Webratio BPM;
  6. 18/10, 11.30-13.30, lecture 06: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 83-87, 93-118;
  7. 24/10, 13.30-16.30, lecture 07: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 118-130;
  8. 28/10, 13.30-15.30, lecture 08: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 130-142, 423; the pilot case study: background and collected terms;
  9. 07/11, 13.30-16.30, lecture 09: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 142-150, 424; the pilot case study: analyze terms and find the nouns; working with group projects to create a background description;
  10. 08/11, 11.30-13.30, lecture 10: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 425-427; the pilot case study: collect activities, discover processes, process landscape, process framing, process vs. organization;
  11. 14/11, 13.30-16.30, lecture 11: slide (pdf); establishing a common strategy for the two groups (a basic scenario (pdf)); meeting with information technology experts; meeting with experts of the target processes;
  12. 15/11, 11.30-13.30, lecture 12: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 201-215;
  13. 21/11, 13.30-16.30, lecture 13: slide (pdf); group projects: meeting with information technology experts; meeting with experts of the target processes;
  14. 22/11, 09.30-11.30, tutorial 02(pdf) with Webratio BPM; extra tutorials: 04(pdf), 05(pdf);
  15. 22/11, 11.30-13.30, tutorial 03(pdf) with VP Logizian;
  16. 28/11, 13.30-17.30, lecture 14: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 215-239; group projects: meeting with information technology experts; meeting with experts of the target processes; establishing prototypal Social BPM workflow models;
  17. 29/11, 11.30-13.30, lecture 15: slide (pdf); group projects: meeting, with information technology experts and with experts of the target processes, to establish prototypal performance measures;
  18. 05/12, 13.30-16.30, lecture 16: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 240-261; 428-433;
  19. 06/12, 11.30-13.30, lecture 17: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 375-377; tutorial 06(pdf) with Visual Paradigm for UML: task-level modeling specification;
  20. 09/12, 14.30-17.30, lecture 18: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 151-197;
  21. 12/12, 13.30-16.30, lecture 19: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 263-296;
  22. 13/12, 11.30-13.30, lecture 20: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 301-343;
  23. 17/12, 08.30-10.30, lecture 21: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 339,344-346,359-360;
  24. 19/12, 13.30-16.30, lecture 22: slide (pdf); exam details and description; group project: establishing a common strategy.



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