University of Pisa
Mario G. Cimino,
Department of Information Engineering, Center for Logistics Systems
Pisa, October-December 2013. Thursday 13.30-16.30, Friday 11.30-13.30. Room: ADInform2 (Blue Lab);
6 (60 hours)
The course aims at providing methodological skills that are essential for business analysts: discovering, scoping, assessing, modeling, and redesigning business processes. Students are trained on how to: identify a business process, separate business modeling from implementation modeling, manage detail in a workflow model, run a process modeling session, assess a process, generate ideas for the to-be process. Lab activities provide examples and tutorials to illustrate, design and deploy process-driven information systems.
The course covers the following methodological topics. The strategy hierarchy: business strategy; operations strategy; process architecture and operating policies. Establish process context, scope and goals: discover business processes; establish process scope and contents; conduct initial as-is process assessment. Understand the as-is process: the essentials of process workflows models; managing progressive detail in process workflow models; the finer points of process workflow models; develop as-is process workflow model. Design the to-be process: conduct final as-is process assessment; determine to-be process characteristics and workflow. Related requirements definition techniques: business-oriented data modeling; requirements modeling with use cases and services.
Methodological topics are based on the following books:
- A. Sharp, P. McDermott, Workflow modeling, 2nd ed., Artech House, Boston, 2009.
Tutorials and lab activities are based on the following software tools:
- Logizian, business workflow design software, [32bit][64bit]
- Visual Paradigm for UML, Suite for task-level modeling, [32bit][64bit]
- Webratio, suite to build customized BPM applications, [Java7][Webratio]
Lab project and oral exam (zip).
- 03/10, 15.30-18.30, lecture 01: slide (pdf); ref.: Anupidi 2012 book excerpt (pdf), Sharp 2009 pp. 34-46; exercise on past projects.
- 04/10, 11.30-13.30, lecture 02: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 46-55;
- 10/10, 13.30-16.30, lecture 03: slide (pdf); introduction to project topics; creation of group projects; creation of pilot scenarios;
- 11/10, 11.30-13.30, lecture 04: slide (pdf); creation of pilot scenarios for project topics;
- 17/10, 13.30-16.30, lecture 05: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 56-58, 68-80; tutorial 01(pdf) with Webratio BPM;
- 18/10, 11.30-13.30, lecture 06: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 83-87, 93-118;
- 24/10, 13.30-16.30, lecture 07: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 118-130;
- 28/10, 13.30-15.30, lecture 08: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 130-142, 423; the pilot case study: background and collected terms;
- 07/11, 13.30-16.30, lecture 09: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 142-150, 424; the pilot case study: analyze terms and find the nouns; working with group projects to create a background description;
- 08/11, 11.30-13.30, lecture 10: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 425-427; the pilot case study: collect activities, discover processes, process landscape, process framing, process vs. organization;
- 14/11, 13.30-16.30, lecture 11: slide (pdf); establishing a common strategy for the two groups (a basic scenario (pdf)); meeting with information technology experts; meeting with experts of the target processes;
- 15/11, 11.30-13.30, lecture 12: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 201-215;
- 21/11, 13.30-16.30, lecture 13: slide (pdf); group projects: meeting with information technology experts; meeting with experts of the target processes;
- 22/11, 09.30-11.30, tutorial 02(pdf) with Webratio BPM; extra tutorials: 04(pdf), 05(pdf);
- 22/11, 11.30-13.30, tutorial 03(pdf) with VP Logizian;
- 28/11, 13.30-17.30, lecture 14: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 215-239; group projects: meeting with information technology experts; meeting with experts of the target processes; establishing prototypal Social BPM workflow models;
- 29/11, 11.30-13.30, lecture 15: slide (pdf); group projects: meeting, with information technology experts and with experts of the target processes, to establish prototypal performance measures;
- 05/12, 13.30-16.30, lecture 16: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 240-261; 428-433;
- 06/12, 11.30-13.30, lecture 17: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 375-377; tutorial 06(pdf) with Visual Paradigm for UML: task-level modeling specification;
- 09/12, 14.30-17.30, lecture 18: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 151-197;
- 12/12, 13.30-16.30, lecture 19: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 263-296;
- 13/12, 11.30-13.30, lecture 20: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 301-343;
- 17/12, 08.30-10.30, lecture 21: slide (pdf); ref.: Sharp 2009 pp. 339,344-346,359-360;
- 19/12, 13.30-16.30, lecture 22: slide (pdf); exam details and description; group project: establishing a common strategy.
Journal of activities