University of Pisa
"Large and complex organizations are a tangible manifestation
of advanced technology, more than machinery itself" (J.K. Galbraith)
Introduction to Workflow modeling
Mario G. Cimino,
Department of Information Engineering, Center for Logistics Systems
Pisa, March-May 2017, Tuesday 08.30-11.30, Room: ADII2.
Course Schedule and References
- 01) 07/03, 08.30-11.30, M. Cimino, Introduction to Workflow Modeling (slides 1-35);
- 02) 14/03, 08.30-11.30, R. Balzano, Introduction to BPMN (pages 25-40), Introduction to ADONIS Community Edition;
- 03) 21/03, 08.30-11.30, M. Cimino, Introduction to Workflow Modeling (slides 35-72);
- 04) 21/03, 15.00-18.00, R. Balzano, Visit to the logistics company "Compagnia Interportuale Pisana s.r.l." (drive);
- 05) 28/03, 08.30-11.30, M. Cimino, Chain Traceability, processes identification;
- 06) 04/04, 08.30-11.30, M. Cimino, Visit to the software company "RJC Soft s.r.l."; [pictures];
- 07) 11/04, 15.00-18.00, R. Balzano, Visit to logistics facilities at S. Croce sull'Arno (drive);
- 08) 02/05, 08.30-11.30, M. Cimino, Internal, external and global logistics; Storytelling of experiences in the motorcycle sector;
Modeling from formal text: chain Traceability, handoff and service levels modeling;
- 09) 09/05, 08.30-11.30, M. Cimino, Modeling from formal text: chain Traceability, handoff and service levels modeling;
- 10) 16/05, 08.30-11.30, R. Balzano, Cimino, Modeling from real world: Customs Clearance Process; A. Benedetti, D. Pirchio, Advanced Services for Digital Advertising Challenges.
Tools and References
- A. Sharp, P. McDermott, Workflow modeling, 2nd ed., Artech House, Boston, 2009 [excerpt]
- Adonis Community Edition 3 [local] [web]