First Name: Marco
Last Name: Martorella
Date of birth: June on 26th, 1973
Work Phone (Pisa - Italy): +39-050-2217673
Nov. 1999 - Feb. 2003
Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy.
Degree obtained: Doctor of Philosophy.
Thesis title: "Development and validation of a sea surface fractal
model for environmental monitoring applications".
Oct. 1993 – Jul. 1999
Faculty of Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy.
Degree obtained: Laurea in Telecommunication Engineering (cum laude).
Thesis title: "High Resolution ISAR image reconstruction of oscillating
2005 - Present
Fellow, Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy
2004 – Dec. 2004
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Information
Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy
2004 - Dec. 2004
Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Information
Technology and Electronic Engineering, University of Queensland , QLD,
2004 – June 2004
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Adelaide, SA, Aust.
2004 - Mar. 2004
Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Information
Technology and Electronic Engineering, University of Queensland , QLD,
2003 - Dec. 2003
Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Electrical and
Engineering, University of Adelaide, SA, Aust.
2002 – Dec 2003
Research Fellow, Department of Information Engineering,
University of Pisa, Italy
2001 – June 2003
Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy
Subject title: “Radar theory and technique”
Nov. 2002 - present
Research Fellow, Department of Information
Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy
Feb. 2001 - present
Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy
Subject title: "Radar theory and technique"
Sep. 2003 - Dec. 2003:
Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, University of Adelaide, SA, Aust.
Jul 2001 - Apr 2002
Research Assistant, Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, University of Melbourne, VIC, Aust.
Dec. 2000 - Feb. 2001
Teaching assistant, Faculty of Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy
Nov. 2000 - Dec. 2001
Lecturer, Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria (ISIS) (~TAFE),
Piombino, Italy
Subject title: "Videoconferencing System"
Sep. 2000 - Feb. 2001
Lecturer, ISIS (~TAFE), Piombino, Italy
Subject title: "Telecommunication Network"
Sep. 1999 - Feb. 2000
Research Assistant, Department of Information Engineering, University
of Pisa, Italy
2002 – 2004
Research Grant, Department of Information Engineering, University of
Pisa, Italy
1999 – 2002
Ph.D. Scholarship, Department of Information Engineering, University of
Pisa, Italy
Jun. 1998 – Jul. 1998
Student Grant, Fachoschule of Darmstadt, Germany
Ph.D. Thesis
- [PHD 1] M. Martorella, "Development and validation of a
Sea Surface Fractal Model for Environmental Monitoring Applications",
Ph.D. thesis, December 2003.
Refereed International Journals
- [IEEE-Tr.1] F. Berizzi, E. Dalle Mese, M. Diani, M.
Martorella, "High resolution ISAR imaging of maneuvering targets by
means of the Range Instantaneous Doppler technique: modeling and
performance analysis", Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on ,
Volume: 10, No. 12, Dec. 2001, pp 1880 –1890.
- [IJRS 1] F. Berizzi, E. Dalle mese, M. Martorella, "A
Sea Surface Fractal Model for Ocean Remote Sensing", International
Journal of Remote Sensing, Taylor and Francis Ltd, to appear in April
2004, Vol No. 25, pp 1265-1270.
- [IEEE-Tr.2] M.Martorella, F.Berizzi, E.Dalle Mese "On
the fractal dimension of sea surface backscattered signal at low
grazing angles", IEEE Tr. on AEP, to appear in April 2004.
- [ELS-1]
M.Martorella, B.Haywood, D.Gibbins, “Use
of 3D Ship Scatterer Models from ISAR Image Sequences for Target
to appear on Elsevier Science – Digital Signal Processing.
- [IEEE-Tr.3]
F.Berizzi, “Time
Windowing for Optimal ISAR Image Reconstruction”,
to appear on IEEE Tr on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
- [IEE-Pr.1] M.
Martorella, F. Berizzi, B. Haywood, “A Contrast Maximization Based Technique for 2D ISAR
to appear on IEE Pr. on Radar Sonar and
Navigation in 2005.
- [IEEE-Tr.4]
G. Bertini, M.Martorella, M. Bertacca, “A
2D Variation Algorithm for Fractal Analysis of
Sea SAR images”,
appear to IEEE Tr on Geoscience and Remote Sensing in 2005.
Refereed Italian journals (written in English)
- [AIT 1] F. Berizzi, E. Dalle Mese, M. Martorella, "On
the use of SAR Image Fractal Analysis for Sea Surface Roughness
Estimation", Associazione Italiana Telerilevamento, to appear soon.
Refereed International Conferences
- [IEEE-Con.1] F., Berizzi, E. Dalle Mese, M. Martorella, "ISAR
Imaging of Oscillating Targets by Range-Instantaneous-Doppler Technique",
Proceedings of the IEEE-Radar 2000 International Conference,
Alexandria, VA, USA.
- [IEEE-Con.2] F. Berizzi, P. Gamba, A. Garzelli, M.
Martorella, "Fractal and multifractal analysis of sea SAR clutter
data", Proceedings of the IEEE IGARSS 2001 Conference, Sydney, Aust.
- [IEEE-Con.3] F. Berizzi, P. Gamba, A. Garzelli, M.
Martorella, "On the fractal behavior of SAR images of ocean sea
surface", Proceedings of the IEEE IGARSS 2001 Conference, Sydney,
- [IEEE-Con.4] F.Berizzi, E.Dalle Mese, M.Martorella, "Performance
analysis of a contrast based ISAR autofocusing algorithm",
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Radar Conference, Long Beach-California, US
- [EUSAR 1] F.Berizzi, G.Bertini, E.Dalle Mese, M.Martorella,
"A novel morphological covering algorithm for sea SAR
image fractal analysis", Proceedings of the EUSAR 2002 Conference,
Cologne, Germany
- [IEEE-Con.5] F. Berizzi , G. Bertini, R. Condello , F.
Dell’Acqua, B. Holt¸ P. Gamba, A. Garzelli, M. Martorella, "Fractal
Mapping for Sea Surface Anomalies Recognition", Proceedings of the
IEEE IGARSS 2003 Conference, Toulouse, France
- [IEEE-Con.6] M. Martorella, S. Zecchetto, F. De Biasio, F.
Berizzi , "Use of Synoptic Real Data for Relating the Sea Surface
Roughness to the Backscattering Signal Fractal Dimension",
Proceedings of the IEEE IGARSS 2003 Conference, Toulouse, France
- [IEEE-Con.7] M. Martorella, B. Haywood, F. Berizzi, E.
Dalle Mese, "Performance Analysis of an ISAR Contrast-Based
Autofocusing Algorithm Using Real Data", Proceedings of the IEE
2003 Radar Conference, Adelaide, Aust.
- [IEEE-Con.8] M. Martorella, R. Soleti, F. Berizzi, E. Dalle
Mese, "Plume effect on Radar Cross Section of missiles at HF band",
Proceedings of the IEEE 2003 Radar Conference, Adelaide, Aust.
1] F. Berizzi, M.
Martorella, M. Bertacca, “A
sea surface fractal model for SAR image generation”,
Proceedings of the
- Tyrrenian International Workshop on Remote Sensing.
2] M. Martorella,
F. Berizzi, E. Dalle Mese, “Time
Frame Selection for Optimal ISAR Image Reconstruction”,
Proceedings of the EUSAR 2004 Conference, Ulm,
3] J. Palmer, M. Martorella,
I. D. Longstaff, “Airborne
ISAR Imaging using the Emulated Bistatic Radar System ”,
Proceedings of the EUSAR 2004 Conference, Ulm, Germany.
- [IEEE-Con.9] M.
Martorella, F. Berizzi, S. Bruscoli, “Use
of Genetic Algorithms for ISAR Image Autofocusing”, Proceedings
of the IEEE 2004 Radar Conference, Philadelphia, US.
- [URSI-F1] J. Palmer, M. Martorella, B. Littleton, J. Homer, “Application
of Emulated Bistatic Radar Geometries to Sar and Isar Systems:
Discussion and
Experimental Results”, Proceedings of URSI-F 2004 Conference, Cairns,
- [IEEE-Con.10] M.
Martorella, J. Palmer, I. D. Longstaff, “Bistatic
Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar”, Proceedings of the IEEE RADAR 2004, Toulouse,
Refereed Book Chapters
- [FR 1] F.Berizzi, A.Garzelli, E.Dalle Mese, M.Martorella,
R.Condello, "On the Fractality of sea SAR images", Final Report
ASI for the project "Novel Methodologies for the Integration,
Processing and Analysis of Data from Spaceborne Sensors for the
Monitoring of the Hydrosphere, Rainfall Phenomena and Ground",
November 2002.
Submitted to international journals
- [IEEE-Tr.5]
J. Palmer, M. Martorella, J. Homer, B. Littleton, I. D. Longstaff, “ISAR Imaging using an Emulated
Multistatic Radar System”,
submitted to IEEE Tr on Aerospace and Electronic Systems in August
2004 (accepted subject to minor revision).
- [IEEE-Tr.6] M.
Martorella, J. Palmer, J. Homer, B. Littleton, I.D. Longstaff, “On Bistatic
Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar”, submitted
to IEEE Tr. On Aerospace and Electronic Systems in January
Nov. 2004
Cooperative research centre for Sensor Signal and Information
Processing (CSSIP), Mawson Lakes, SA, Aust.
Title: “Radar Imaging”
Oct. 2004
Dept. of Information Technology and Electrical and Electronic
Engineering (ITEE), University of Queensland, QLD, Aust.
Title: “Spot-light SAR”
Mar. 2004
Dept. of Information Technology and Electrical and Electronic
Engineering (ITEE), University of Queensland, QLD, Aust.
Title: “ISAR: theory and techniques”
Dec. 2003
Western Australia Telecommunications Research Institute (WATRI), WA,
Title: "High Resolution ISAR Image Reconstruction"
Dec. 2003
Western Australia Telecommunications Research Institute (WATRI), WA,
Title: "From Fractal Geometry to Sea Surface Remote Sensing"
Sep. 2003
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of
Melbourne, VIC, Aust.
Title: "High Resolution ISAR Image Reconstruction"
Dec. 2001
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Adelaide,
SA, Aust.
Title: "Research activities of Radar and Signal Processing Group"
Dec. 2001
Defence Science and Technology Organisation, (DSTO), Adelaide, SA, Aust.
Title: "Research activities in Radar Signal Processing and applications"
Sep. 2001
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of
Melbourne, VIC, Aust.
Title: "A Fractal Model for the Sea Surface"
Jun. 2001
Ph.D. Annual Meeting, Elba Island, Italy
Title: "Inverse Problems and Solutions"
Oct. 2004
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Oct. 2004
IEEE/IEE International Radar Conference, Toulouse, France
Sep. 2003
IEE International Radar Conference, Adelaide, Australia
Jul. 2003
IEEE IGARSS Conference, Toulouse, France
Jul. 2002
IEEE IGARSS Conference, Toronto, Canada
May 2002
IEEE Radar Conference RADAR, Long Beach, CA, USA
Mar. 2002
IATICE 2002 Exhibit/Workshop, Melbourne, Australia
Feb. 2002
TECHFEST, Adelaide, Australia
Jul. 2001
IEEE IGARSS Conference, Sydney, Australia
Jun. 2001
GTTi Annual Meeting, Orvieto, Italy
Jun. 2001
Italian Space Agency Meeting, Matera, Italy
Apr. 2001
IEEE Radar Conference RADAR, Atlanta, GE, USA
Oct. 2000
Ocean from Space, Venice, Italia
Jun. 2000
GTTi Annual Meeting, Tropea, Italia
May 2000
IEEE International Radar Conference 2000, Alexandria, VA, USA
- Italian: mother-tongue
- English: fluent
- French: basic
Organisation of scientific workshops and conferences
"2003 Tyrrenian International Workshop on Remote Sensing
(TIWRS)", 15-18 September 2003, Elba Island (Italy); responsible
for the paper reviewing process, publications and web site scientific